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Who the heck gave this a 1-4? Gotta be someone trolling.

Jonathan Foreman

Azula and the firebird knew about the invasion because when she was disguised as one of the kyoshi warriors the Earth king told them about the invasion plan. it was a really quick scene in season 2


I know you've got a lot series to handle at once, but a lot of the questions you ask, were already answered ahead of time. Azula was disguised as a Kyoshi warrior back in Season 2 and heard about the invasion from the Earth King.


Finally, even if you don't post them all together, you need to watch the last 4 episodes at the same time. It was intended to be a movie, but they broke it up into 4 parts for TV.


The Earth King of of Ba Sing Se told Azula about the invasion, because he thought she was a warrior from Kyoshi.


I for some reason actually went back and checked if he noticed it when it happened. He did, must've just forgot. It's around 10:35 mark, only linking cause I think in the comments of the same tier shouldnt be an issue. https://www.dropbox.com/s/viesn67ftv8nxtz/Avatar%202x19.mp4?dl=0