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I really like this episode. I think it does progress the season arc though. I really like scenes/episodes that give us information and we learned a lot in this one. The one demon was very talkative with Dean and we learned a lot. Then we also see how powerful some demons are. They aren't all alike. In season 1 we saw that demons were able to go into churches with Meg. These episodes aren't "active", but they are full of goodies, I think. And the fact that a demon would "like" Dean was cool. I was worried about how Sam acted though. Both the male and female people would have lived if Sam hadn't killed them. The gun does kill the demons. I don't know why the show likes to kill off characters that interest us. Supernatural doesn't have a good track record with maintaining a lot of characters in the early season's. Especially female characters.

Brenda Lewis

It does seem sometimes the writers just give us a character and then kill them to advance the story. And there was quite a bit of information in Dean and the demon girls conversation. Because now we know what was supposed to happen if Dean hadn't killed Yellow Eyes.( Oh Laurel's character in this show is Ruby.) I've noticed that Ruby only comes around Sam when he's alone. She shows up out of nowhere and starts following them around, I like her, but something's up with her. If she did't want anything she could just tell Sam how to help Dean, but she's playing games. But now Dean is wondering about Sam and it doesn't seem like Sam has told him about her yet. So we'll see where this goes.

Daniel R

I can't wait til he reaches the second half of Season 3