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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for another fun reaction! Like always... I really enjoyed your reaction for this episode... although I have to say I'm surprised you didn't recognize the guy who was arrested, then killed later on by Scarface who works for Elias. He was played by Scott Cohen, who plays Rory's teacher in Gilmore Girls. :) I really enjoy this episode a lot for all of the action and excitement, and like you, I didn't understand anything about the stock numbers and trading, or the fracking. Not understanding the technical things and numbers didn't lower my rating for this episode, but it was most certainly confusing. I like Adam's character, as well as his Uncle Bob. I like the overall storyline throughout the episode and seeing Reese save Adam each time that he did so. I also love how Reese introduced Adam to the homeless lady who helped take care of him while he too was homeless for four months, which is why I love how Adam later bought the building so that the homeless people living there would be able to continue doing so and that they would be taken care of, as a way of showing them his gratitude for looking after him too. I also love seeing Reese return to the building to thank the homeless woman for looking after him for those four months he lived there as well, and how he helped to clean up the mess from the short lived attack the night before. And lastly... I really love the surprise that Elias was the one behind it all, and how Scarface looks up into the camera to let Carter and therefore John and Finch know he was back in the action. Thank you again, so much! I can't wait for more!!!

DJ Doena

Short trading at its core basically works like this: Today stock A costs $20. You know or you strongly suspect that something bad is going to happen to the company which will make traders lose faith and sell those stocks in a few days. For a small fee (in comparison) you now borrow these stocks from someone and sell them on the market for $20. Then you wait for the stock to go down to $10 (or whatever) and then you buy them back and return them to the person who you've borrowed them from. Your profit is in the difference between you selling them and buying them back (minus the loan fee). Stock prices going up or down basically depends on how many sellers and buyers are on the market. If you buy the shares that are available, the prices will go up and if you drive the prices high enough, there is no profit margin left for the short seller (or he even goes into the red when you drive it beyond his original selling price). The risk with sort selling is that you must return the borrowed stocks to the loaner, so you need to have bought them back before the agreed upon time to return is up. So who is the loaner? Usually some investment fond that keeps stocks over longer periods of time and is not interested in short term spikes up or down. And the loaning fee is a nice additional income. And short selling is rarely about an actual stock crash. It's just the inverse of regular trading.

Dani C

Liked this episode - I liked the case of the week characters and getting to see Reese in that world. I think the way the share price shot up was that Finch invested a ton of cash in buying up the shares just before the price reached the lowest point - he'd said that for the villain's plan to work they had to wait for it to bottom out. Finch got to the shares first.

Dani C

The plot from Elias's perspective was to put pressure and influence to bear at a state level to get that bill passed, to allow fracking - knowing it would screw Tritech (old style non-fracking energy company) and send its stock into freefall - Elias was ready to invest money in shortselling knowing that the bill was going to pass. But - the only way to do that successfully was to get someone inside the regulatory authority - so that guy was bought by Elias.

Dani C

Oh, and that was a really good reaction. Loving these