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No Spoilers In Comments, No Hints At Spoilers Either.


I'm excited for you to see the next episode! It's my favorite of the series.

Ari is my Cat

It's not that bad a video unless you are a high school girl.


Yeah, the video is probably not too bad, but when you're in high school, everything is the end of the world.

Ari is my Cat

For those of us who grew up in the 80's M.A.D. (Mutually Assured Destruction) is why the world wasn't nuked.

Heather Flores-Ricks

I'm so happy you finally got to a point where you are as invested in the show as we are lol

Renee Pope-Munro

I don’t think we see the bits of the video that are “worse than sex”, for obvious TV reasons. The key phrase being “what if they see us”, which Carmen says to Tad in the vid. I’d guess he is filming with one hand, assisting with the popsicle ‘act’ with the other. Because utter garbage human being gon’ garbage.


She was naked in the video. Well, I'm guessing she was, as she said 'skinny dipping'.


Well... yeah the video seems like not such a big deal for others, but for the girl herself seems like a big deal. Anyway good reaction. Next one probably among the best episodes of the series.


The video might not seem bad, but it is. It's humiliating and sexually suggestive, and now it's out there and can always resurface to haunt Carmen. Men and women are treated differently -- "boys will be boys" is used to excuse reprehensible behavior, even rape, while slut-shaming is a time honored practice to discredit women and protect men. At first, I was uncomfortable exploiting Tad's homophobia for revenge, but since Seth was enthusiastically for it, I guess it's okay. However, I'm glad that Carmen refused to do it, knowing that it wouldn't make her feel better or make the video disappear. Veronica's thirst for vengeance may not always be a good thing. Nevertheless, Tad is an absolute scumbag, and the fact that he gets away with drugging his girlfriend, trying to blackmail her to keep dating him, and blows up her life is a very noir ending.