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Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I really enjoyed this Christmas Special a lot. I know that a lot of people might find Donna to be annoying, but I really like her a lot. She's spunky and isn't afraid to speak her mind. And she's funny too. I think she and the Doctor have great chemistry together because their personalities are so similar. The villain wasn't so great, but the storyline was still entertaining. Thank you for another fun reaction!! Until next time...


oh man, i really think you should try and stick to that viewing order and sync torchwood up with Doctor Who

Casey Mead

I personally love Donna don’t find her annoying at all. Although I’ve found that people not from England tend to not love her as much

David Broome

Donna was annoying this episode and it was a weak episode overall. Second half of Season 3 is better but the show doesn't really pick up until S4 for me though the show is always a bit n miss.

John Smith

Looking forward to the next couple of seasons, really picks up in the second half of series 3. I personally wouldn't worry to much with torchwood, definitely try stick to Who. Keep up the good work!

NaTasha Norris

Well here is my two cents you didn’t ask for: I think you should tap out. I mean if you don’t like the show, the fans of said show aren’t going to enjoy watching you react poorly to something they love. Focus on the shows you enjoy instead. Life is too short to watch TV you don’t like.

Dani C

I disagree. With many shows I would say that is solid advice- but with Doctor Who it changes so much with each new Doctor, each new companion, and each new show runner, that you really never know how any one series of the show will catch you.

Tammy L. Faulkner

I know your in seasonn 5 now so I don't need to wprry about SPOILERS. I think its so funny how nearly evryone Iv'e seen react to this show doesn't like Donna from the start while I LOVED her from the start. I loved her sassines and oviously the fact that she had a big heart... she was againt killing the douch and not fond of killing the DUMBEST villan they could have came up with. Donna Became my second fave of NEW WHO... my first has not been introduced yet. Martha is last on my list.