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I don't think Ronald's death was dean's fault .He warned the boys if nobody solves it,he will do it by himself then Sam should know that he has to tell the truth so that Ronald did not need to do something stupid like he did at bank eventually hence it was sam's fault if we should blame on it to someone.


I just meant in that situation where dean had the shape shifter inside the vault and instead of waiting for same he tells him to come out and dean gets knocked

Brenda Lewis

This is one one my favorite of this season. So as far as it not being scary, they will always have the supernatural element to them, but I don't think I'm spoiling anything by saying it doesn't have to be to tell the story. They have some really creative episodes and I can't wait to see what you think.


I'm really glad you enjoyed this one. For me, it's probably the best episode of the show so far. I agree, it wasn't that scary but I don't think it needed to be and poor Ronald, I was really starting to like him.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I liked this episode a lot, and I really liked Agent Henricksen with the FBI. He's was a great agent. Also... I liked Ronald too, played by actor Chris Gauthier who I really like in another show I love. It was sad that he was killed. Overall... I really like the continued storyline with Sam and Dean being hunted by the cops and now the FBI. And I also really liked the twists with the shape shifter playing dead to try to trick the boys, and then Sam and Dean escaping in the end by taking two of the agents' clothes and guns. Very good. Thank you so much for another great reaction! Until next time...


I've never really ranked the episodes because with 300+ episodes under my belt and loving so many of them I can't even begin to figure out which one would be #1 on my list, but this one is definitely somewhere around the top. I loved your reactions throughout the whole episode and love that you really enjoyed Agent Victor Henriksen. Fandom was divided about him because some really didn't like his attitude about Sam and Dean. I thought he was fabulous though. I mean if you look at Sam and Dean's rap sheet, or happened to catch them in action, with no knowledge of monsters being real, then you'd think they are the psycho serial killers Henriksen believes them to be. I loved the shapeshifter story in this one because it's motivation and method was so different than the first shapeshifter's story, but I enjoyed both stories because of those differences. This shapeshifter was all about the money and (I think) the thrill of getting away with it. It's why it killed the people it shapeshifted intointhe bank. Can't take a chance on that person escaping, and then there being two of the same person running around, giving it's idenity away. The first shapeshifter's motivation for doing what it did was sad. Creepy as f***, but sad. It revealed it's motivation when it visited Becca in Dean's skin. "So, maybe this thing was born human but was different. Hideous and hated. Until he learned to become someone else. It’s funny. I kind of understand him. He’s all alone—close to no one. All he wants is for someone to love him. He’s like me. (REBECCA looks very uncomfortable.) You know, everybody needs a little human touch now and then. It’s so hard to be different." It had felt isolated, ridiculed, and unwanted all it's life. A genetic freak that only wanted to be loved, but not knowing a normal way of achieving that. It was monster that needed to be taken down, but I still felt sad about it. And, wow, this is long. Sorry about that. I look forward to your next episode reaction.


Okay I don't know for sure about the rest of the fandom, but I have always LOVED Agent Henrickson. It's important to realize that you don't have to hate a character just because the boys hate them. A lot of the opposing characters to the boys are really interesting, and as a fan you can appreciate them even if they're against the protagonist. Plus I love it when people put the boys (especially Dean) in their place. Glad you enjoyed the episode, it's one of my favorites of season two. And glad you liked Henricksen, I figured you would.😊


This is a great episode and I really really enjoyed your reaction :) Also a fan of agent Henriksen and agree with one of the comments above that if you just looked at Sam and Dean’s rap sheets they would look like psycho criminals. It helps fills out the Supernatural universe in my imagination that they’re not completely invisible to the rest the world but that there are people who have them on their radar.


One of my favorite episodes! The final scene is practically tv perfection. Enjoyed your reaction a lot!

Nicole Garver

Sorry your allergies are being a bitch Steven, I’m in the same shape. Coughing and sneezing my fool head off 24/7.I hope you feel lots better soon. || You are so good at making intuitive leaps - I’m always yelling at you to stop spoiling the reveals for yourself. 🤣 I didn’t twig to Sam & Dean being the two SWAT guys until they got into Baby. || That music cue is arguably (along with one other you’ll eventually see) the best one in the whole series, the pause for dialogue then the drop as the car begins to drive away makes the whole thing work so well. || Shapeshifters are such cool monsters. The whole dynamic of not being certain that the person you’re speaking to is who you think they are - it’s very disturbing. || Just an all ‘round great episode. I’m so glad you enjoyed it - your reactions were so much fun (as they always are 🤓😉). Take care XXOO

Toasted Toad

I don't get it. Why is Ronald's death Dean's fault? Ronald was shot by the police because he was standing in full view of a sniper, which the boys had previously warned him not to do. Anyway. I love this episode. Just so many good performances all around and, at least the first time I watched, I just couldn't imagine how the boys were going to get out of it.