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I enjoyed this one a lot better than the last episode as we got to see how everyone was affected after Buffy left. I just love characters that are flawed and although some of the scenes are uncomfortable to watch, they are powerful and emotional. I spend the whole episode being mad at everyone. I'm mad at Willow for ignoring Buffy, Joyce and Xander for embarrassing Buffy by making a scene in front of the school kids and I'm mad at Buffy herself for being patronising towards Willow when she gives her an opening to talk by saying "you wouldn't understand" but most of all I'm mad at them for not sitting down and having a heart to heart although I think this might be the message this episode is trying to give. I loved Giles in this one though and I agree, the monster of the week wasn't really needed here.


I love the fight in the house when shit gets real... but the rest of the episode feels more like a Bad Eggs or Go Fish to me.

Allan Cornett

Before you started your reaction you mentioned you were going to start Angel soon. NO NO NO NO NO. Angel and Buffy have crossover episodes. The proper order is Buffy season 4 episode 1 then Angel season 1 episode 1. When the shows aired it was always Buffy then Angel. If you start Angel before season 4 of Buffy you will ruin your experience. I have watched the entire run of both series over 5 times so you can rely on my expertise. Still there are online resources you can access that will lead you in the same direction.


There's several Buffy/Angel watch guides online. I think most reactors use the Slay Alive guide. However, I recommend just watching what you feel like. Beyond the crossover episodes mentioned in the guides, you can watch in whatever order you want. They're two different shows and you may find yourself digging a particular story line in one show and want to continue before switching to the other show. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Allan Cornett

Nope. Watch them in the order they were intended to be seen. Buffy and Angel are cult favorites so please don’t disrespect them. Buffy is over 20 years old, I doubt 20 years from now that the Arrowverse shows will even be remembered.


You should definitely use a watch guide. It can be watched totally independently but it’s so much better when they are watched as intended. I watch another reactor who completed all seasons of Buffy first and then watched all of Angel. There were little things that were missed in some episodes because you don’t catch it when they’re not back to back and the crossover episodes just weren’t as impactful.

Allan Cornett

Thank you Stacy. Spoken like a true fan.

Rafael Lemus

Giving this episode an 8 is extremely generous considering the fact that the show gets so much better! And no, that's not a spoiler. If we could get the next Buffy episode this weekend, you'll see what I mean.

Alexis Cardarella

I gave it an 8, but the side plot was so silly to me- so it feels like a 7 with it. But I agree, the dialogue was great, the writing involving everything else was very very good! It was funny, moving, sad. Some of my favorite moments of the show

Idun V

Basically, everyone got a vibe between Joyce and her friend.


If you start Angel too early, some major plot points for Buffy are spoiled. I would definitely recommend using a watch guide.


do not watch Angel early lol. Like others have said... you should at least wait until you have started s4 of Buffy. And ideally use the SlayAlive Episode Order guide, as its one of the best out there


I will echo most others here. The best experience you can get from both shows is to watch them in the order they were intended to be seen.

Vicky N

I hate zombies, so everything involving them get downgraded for me. But saying that you would have preferred to have the episode focused on just the emotional stuff, you kind of forget the fundamental premise of the show. The monster are the representation of the characters inner turmoil. That’s why zombies are the manifestation of things that are buried coming out in an inappropriate moment. The stray cat (always thought he was hit by a car and somehow crawled into the basement, no big mystery there for me) eulogized by Joyce with word that applies to Buffy and that Buffy tries unsuccessfully to burry, feelings that people are trying to bury ad repress, comes out without restraints during the confrontation at the party which coincides with the zombies attack. Anyway this episode makes me angry at everyone except Giles and Oz. Buffy’s mom would like to ignore the things she learned about her daughter and go back being in denial. That’s what she means by things being easier when Buffy was gone and it’s very consistent with how she has behaved since season 1. Not one of her friends is willing to acknowledge her emotional trauma. Xander, as usual, is the worst, (particularly callous was the pimp comment) he feels personally hurt by Buffy leaving due to a sense of misplaced ownership, so he gets angry at her and express outrage on Giles, Willow and Joyce behalf whether it is warranted or not. Giles, for example, was never angry at Buffy for leaving, just worried and relieved when she came back, as we see at the very brief moment at his house when he goes to get the teapot for his guests. If Giles doesn’t make the argument that Buffy abandoned her post, no one else gets to do it, certainly not Xander, she is not “his” slayer. Willow is uncharacteristically unsympathetic and selfish. Blaming Buffy for not being there while “she” was having life altering experiences like dating a werewolf, which started half season ago and doing witchcraft also started well before Buffy leaving. So the argument feels forced. As for Cordelia, she is just being herself, as usual. My favorite scenes were all Giles related, the one in the kitchen I mentioned earlier, the “do you like my mask”speech and the hint of ”Ripper” Giles with Snyder at the end. Oz gathering-shindig-hootenanny is an all time Buffy classic line.


ages ago but I agree about the trauma thing. They had to know Buffy killed Angel and didn't offer the tiniest bit of understanding.

Daniel R

I think there are crossover episodes and to avoid getting tripped up you should just watch them in the order they're meant to be seen in. I'm sure there's a viewing guide you can follow lol

R J Walker (FumblesMcStupid)

To me, it's split into the groups who are lashing out because they're dwelling on the hurt - Mum, Xander, Willow - and the group that aren't and are just glad Buffy is back - Giles, Cordelia, Oz. I don't think it's a coincidence that they are split up into those groups when they are fighting the zombies. I do understand why Mum, Xander and Willow are doing it but I think Willow bailing on Buffy was a bit much, Mum picking an argument in front of everybody was pretty bad and Xander said some stuff he really shouldn't. The way he puts things is just so bloody harsh. Buffy should have got in touch but she was also dealing with some pretty heavy stuff (I'm not even a Buffy/Angel fan but I get why she's so depressed) I suspect Oz is just happy Buffy's back because he knows it will eventually cheer up Willow and Cordelia has been away so I don't think she missed Buffy that much. Giles is just relieved and, yes, I do think he might blame himself so he's very happy she's back. To be honest he has almost the most reason to be angry. At least Buffy left her mum a note. He's been through hell and back last season, always supported her, spent the summer looking for her BUT he's the only one shown on screen saying 'welcome home'. The only thing he might have done wrong is not be on time to the party but he was trying to work out what zombie cat was so I don't think it's intentional, it's just a shame I think Buffy thinks it is.