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DJ Doena

I really enjoyed POI back then. But you're right, the pilot feels rushed. But I guess that's still the problem with network shows. They have to hook you into the first episode or else you may not turn back in next week. So they cram everything in even though it may feel rushed. Streaming shows on the other hand sometimes have the opposite problem (looking at you, Marvel shows), they sometimes during the middle of the season feel like they're not moving at all. I, too, came to POI because of Ben / Mr. Filch and I enjoyed my stay, especially due to some players coming onto the field over the next few seasons.

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

Thank you so much for reacting to another of my all time favorite shows with my all time favorite actor, Jim Caviezel!! I love this show and I love John Reese's character! I can understand why you're confused about how the Machine works. It does continue to explain more over time, but in a nutshell... the relevant list consists of information that shows there is going to be a terrorist attack, and the numbers then go to the NSA, FBI, CIA, police, etc... As for the irrelevant list... it consists of information that the Machine finds which will eventually lead to a single person's murder, or sometimes more than one person's kidnapping, or something bad in which the police would be called in afterwards to investigate. And how the Machine finds this information is by it sifting through everyone's emails, listing to everyone's phone calls, etc... in which a violent crime is being planned. At least everyone in New York. Like Finch (Michael Emerson, or Ben from Lost) said, the Machine can't predict crimes when they happen in the spare of the moment, but if they are planned out and there's a paper trail, the Machine will see it. I hope this explanation makes sense and that it helps you to understand better how the Machine works. As for the relevance of the beginning scenes with Reese being a bum and being arrested... a part of it is so we can be introduced to Detective Carter, and to show us that Reese is a broken man with nothing to live for. However, there's lots more to his story. Finch states that he knows the government and the world believe that Reese is dead, just like they believe he's dead too. So both men are in hiding and try to keep themselves off of anyone's radar. Yet Reese is also looking to end his life, so before Finch found him, he no longer really cared about getting caught by the police and thrown in jail where he most likely would have found a way to end his life behind bars. Finch knew that Reese was a good man who was let down by the agency he worked for, and we have yet to know why and how. But Finch knows that Reese used to fight to protect innocent people and to stop the bad guys, which is why Finch sees Reese as someone who can help him with the leg work and fights he can't do. I really love the acting from each of the characters who were introduced in this first episode. Reese, Finch, as well as Detectives Carter and Fusco. The actors are brilliant and their characters really grown on you the further along we get into the series. This episode was most definitely fast paced, but there was a lot of information we needed to know within a single episode, and it was important for us to understand the idea behind this show's main storyline. Reese and Finch fight to save the innocent people involved in crimes before they will occur, while Reese becomes hunted upon becoming who we'll soon come to see will be dubbed, "the man in the suit". I hope that you will continue to enjoy this show. And again, thank you very much! I can't wait for more!!! Until next time...


Yea it's why I try to be more reasonable with my view of it. I know what they are trying to do and they have to get a lot in the pilot to hook a lot of people.

Dani C

So glad you're reacting to this. One of my all time favourite shows. takes a while to really get going but builds into something truly magnificent. Bit like Agents of Shield in that way. A seemingly predictable sci-fi tease, case of the week show that turns into one of the most amazing high concept sci-fi stories on tv,


Just here to let you know that the link is not working.