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Natalie Shepherd

Jared broke his wrist in episode 3 when he fought the vampires in the motel room (he fell awkwardly), but it couldn’t be casted until end of episode 4 because they’d already starting filming that episode when he realised something was wrong, that why at the end of that episode he says I think she broke my hand. He’s had a cast on since episode 5. You should also watch one of the convention videos think it’s Las Vegas 2015 with J2 telling the very funny story of them filming until late on season 1 or 2 and then having to travel to LA for press so they decided to just go straight to the airport and grab a hotel room for a couple of hours & the scene went very much like this, with them being offered the deluxe king suite as the hotel staff thought they were a couple😂

Heidi Elizabeth Marcum

I think the idea behind the scene with Sam getting himself drunk was to show that he's struggling deeply with the revelation that he's supposed to become one of the Yellow Eyed demon's soldiers for the upcoming war and that Dean might have to one day kill him if he turns evil. Sam's very afraid of himself and he's losing confidence in his ability to save people. Yes... he wanted to go on this hunt with Dean after taking a month off from hunting to try to find Ava, but when someone else was killed by something supernatural right under their noses, it set Sam off and he feels responsible for the man's death and he's angry that he couldn't stop it. I like this concept of Sam struggling so much, but you're right that the writers' and creators' for this episode didn't come off very well. It felt more strange and out of place. I like the idea and concept of this episode, but I feel like it was poorly written and executed. Not as badly as the Bugs episode from season one, but still bad.


I thought this was a decent episode. I like ghost stories about haunted houses. It was creepy. I agree that drunken Sam was a bit random. I get why he was upset but he seemed perfectly fine at the beginning of the episode so I feel like it didn't fit well in this episode but I enjoyed the twist of the little girl being a ghost. I have to admit I actually didn't figure it out and I liked the ending. I don't think they are going to keep killing people because the little girl just didn't want to be alone and now her sister is with her she can finally find piece. It was different with the granddaughter because she was alive and could leave. I think a 7 is fair for this one

Casey Mead

#bisexual dean


I've always felt like what was going on with the dollhouse was tied into the voodoo theme. That Maggie, in invisible ghost form, was using the dollhouse to influence what happened in the real house. Almost like whatever happens to a voodoo doll happens to the person it's tied to, but on a broader voodoo house scale. Oh, and the blond curly headed doll that kept popping up, I believe that's what tied Maggies spirit to the house. I think the doll was made in Maggie's image, using Maggies hair, just like the doll Dean had to burn to get rid of the murderous ghost girl that came out of the painting in season 1's episode Provenance. Showing the doll at the end was like showing the one that got away.


For some reason I expected to he scared and wasnt. Dolls, ghost, dolls are all things that creep me out but I wasnt ok with the Episode. That's more on me for having expectations when I saw the house and dolls I assumed we were going in more that route


Oh, I guess that makes sense. She was doing the voodoo on the people but I guess when they said the old lady was the one that put the symbols that idea didnt enter my mind.


Yeah, I can see how it could be overlooked. This episode was more in the style of a murder mystery, with clues and subtle hints that couldbe missedif you weren't looking for them. Or maybe it's just my mind trying to make sense of the episode. It totally could be that. I just linked the facts that Rose's, the old lady, nanny was a voodoo practitioner. She's the reason Rose knew the protection symbol to use to bind Maggie from doing harm. Maggie was Rose's sister, so I imagine she taught them both about voodoo, so I figure that Maggie would use what she knows to fight back against losing her playmate Tyler and her home. This episode wasn't one of the best, but I love that it showed yet another facet to the ghost story. What I mean is that the SPN writers are good making every monster unique in the Supernatural world they have built. We see ghosts, vamps, ect. over and over, but their stories are as different as every human's story on earth. That's one of the things that make me love this show and has kept me around for 14 years.