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Howdy Ladies and Gentlemen,  So as you all know currently at the $10 Patreon Tier we have some timed Exclusives. Those are Stranger Things, Agents of Shield & Once Upon a Time. Person of Interest Will also be one as well very soon. So starting this Wednesday until next Wednesday I will be off work and treating the Patreon and YouTube like a fulltime gig. Trying to see how my mind and body can handle it.  

Which Series Would Make You Consider Upgrading If You Could?

Below You Will See Series That Were Highly Voted In The Past.

You Will Also See Orphan Black Which Was Placed On Backburner Do To Not As Many People Participating or Watching.

Series That Get Most Engagement or Have Been Greenlit Will Get Priority Due to My Time limit.

I want to know Which Series At This Tier You Most Have Interest In. 

My hope is once I'm able to go fulltime with the Patreon/Channel I will be able to Give you More bang For Your Buck.

This is for when I take less hours at work and am able to dedicate an additional 15-20 hours a week to the Patreon/Channel. I currently work 50-60/wk at my day job so only leaves me about 3 hours a day for Patreon/Channel.


Other Boy Reactions

The Americans!!!👍🏽👌🏽👏🏽🙏🏽😍🤭

DJ Doena

My heart will always go to Smallville, but I also haven't watched Stargate in ages!

Florian M.

Would be awesome if you were to continue season 1 of tscc🤖, but if not I also haven't watched stargate in a long while


Teen wolf please


Stargaze is one of my favourite shows, would be awesome to revisit that series


So glad that as of right now Stargate is in the lead, one of my favorite series/franchises ever. BTW if Stargate wins there is a movie that came first Stargate (1994) which the series SG1 is a direct continuation of (same characters, though one of the returning characters did have an actor change). The movie isn't absolutely necessary but I would still recommend watching it first as the events of it are definitely referenced (pretty heavily especially in season 1 if I remember right)


Also Breaking Bad or Lost!


Battlestar Galactica is the only one that is an instant, without second thought upgrade. First, because no one else seems to react to it anywhere. Second, because your particular way of watching shows lends itself very well to that particular show. Third, because the show itself is so, so good, and so clearly suited for reactions.

Shannon louise

Couldn’t have said it better myself, Wholeheartedly agree with this. I can’t believe no one else is doing reactions for this!

Sarah Trow

I'm still on the Farscape train....I think you would really like this show based on your comments from other shows..


Twin Peaks, everyone should see this show that changed TV from soap opera hell to platform that is better than movies.

Ceara Abrahamsz

Lucifer, Dollhouse, and The Umbrella Academy! The Umbrella Academy is SO FREAKING good, I was surprised by how much I, personally, ended up loving it! And it’s really short, only 1 season, 10 episodes. Dollhouse, again, another series that no one really does that is very, very good, also quite underrated, but if I really think about it, all the shows I voted for are ALL very, very underrated! Lucifer is SUCH an amazing series, that no reactor really does, and the kind of show that deserves more recognition. Lucifer and OUAT (which I know isn’t on the list, but saw you mention it on YT and that its green-lit) are both shows that I could see myself easily upgrading for! If you do all seasons of either (or someday both) Lucifer and OUAT then, personally I DEFINITELY believe that warrants a upgrade to the next tier! ❤️❤️

Janeka Rector

BSG just because I don't think anyone else is reacting to it right now. (I'm probably wrong as there are thousands of reactor sights.)


Dollhouse doesn't need any more advocates, but I think you personally would like it, based on your reactions to other things. But that'll probably happen any day now so I'm chill on it.


Yea, I loved Dollhouse. But putting memery on cassettes, and using a light chair to do it...Smallville was good as well, I have both on DVD. As well as Both stargates SG1 and Atlantis. Battle Star Galactica is another good series I only have Battle Star Galactica 1980, but have seen the New Battle Star Galactica from Kevin;s DVD collection it's the only one he likes, and I like it to, but Battle Star Galactica 1979 was where I started Misfits of science would love to see again. But I know both classic and new who all the way every story from 1963- New Who and can tell you any thing about it.


Lucifer and Prison Break are my hope! Also The Mentalist :D


I voted for House out of the choices, though it may not be that exciting as a reaction series. Not going to lie, I'm not even remotely a fan of Teen Wolf apart from genuinely enjoying a few characters, but I almost put my vote in for that because I think it would be fun as hell to see YOU watch it. It's definitely more ~reactionable than House.


Forgot I could tick more than one so I went ahead and did so. xD

Allan Cornett

I can’t find anyone who reacts to Misfits. I also voted for Dollhouse. House MD is a procedural which doesn’t lend to very good reactions. Prison Break is below average with second rate acting and Stargate continues a boring story for season after season, crappy effects and call it in acting.

Allan Cornett

My next pitch for those who haven’t seen Misfits. The actor who played Ramsey Bolton, the actress who played Catlin Stark and the actor who plays the druggy superhero in Umbrella Academy are all on Misfits. The show won several British Academy Film Television Awards BAFTA. The show has excellent critical acclaim. It has one of my favorite romantic couples. It is funny and fresh.