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DJ Doena

When Rose was recalling her first encounter with a Dalek she mentions that her time-travelling collected background radiation and that's what activated the Dalek. And she also said that since Mickey also used to travel on the Tardis, he's got this stuff, too. This is why he could activate the Ark.

DJ Doena

IIRC, Torchwood only starts after the 3rd season of Doctor Who, because there's a player still missing for the new show. Wait until the season 3 finale before starting TW.

DJ Doena

With the suprise rescue, I think you were thinking of "deus ex machina" (lit. "god out of the machine") from ancient Greek theatre where during plays literal gods would interfere with the lives of mortals.

DJ Doena

Just so you know what you can expect: Ever since the First Doctor, companions (or what they have been called back in the day: assistants) board the Tardis and at some point they leave again due to various in-world and real-world circumstances (see the fate of Sarah-Jane Smith). And the Doctor regenerates. That's the DNA of the show. For the 50th anniversary back in 2013 (wow, time flies) there was a movie made that documents the first years of the 1963 show. It's called "An Adventure in Space and Time" in which the actor who also plays the Hogwart's castle caretaker Mr. Filch plays the role of the actor of the First Doctor, William Hartnell. It also explains how the first regeneration came about. If it's available to you, you should check it out. Here's a trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dEwikIhEZrE

Vicky N

Actually torchwoord start at the end of season two of doctor who. Without being too spoilery, it would be better to have seen the end of the first season of Torchwood before Doctor Who three last season 3 episodes

Paul Gibson

Knowing Jackie my guess is that she won't leave Pete alone until he goes back to Make sure Rose is OK it's just the timing that's a bit too perfect

David Broome

Agree, the ending raised to an 8 from a 7. For me season 2 was the weakest season. Season 3 starts off hit and miss but picks up second half and things continue on the up for a few seasons IMO.

John Smith

The reason Rose gets saved is because the writers didn't have the guts to kill her off. But Series 2 is the end of the Tyler era, we've had 2 doctors but the Tyler family have been there since the beginning. Also I believe they keep Rose alive at the end so they can have that final farewell between the two. Overall it's an alright finale but a below average season. Looking forward to the next couple of seasons - you're in for some gems along the way.


instead of killing rose off or just having her go home it was about the tragedy of them falling in love and being separated and not being able to be together. also when it comes to the cybermen i don't think it's always about their individual strength it's the fact that its this whole army out there killing people taking their brains and upgrading it's suppose to just be messed up and tragic also this was suppose to be this bif huge thing at the time two of the biggest classic villians showing up at the same time for the first time and fighting against each other and of course the Daleks are better but that doesn't mean the cybermen aren't cool in their own way.

Thomas Gabriel White

The Cyberman aren't meant to be the most powerful or scary villain's, they are just supposed to be creepy. Imagine your body being torn apart and all vital organs being preserved inside a machine and having your emotions being taken away, that should be one of your biggest fears. They are also very good when in large groups. Killing a few is easy if you have good weapons, but fighting an army that can cover the Earth would be imposible.

Thomas Gabriel White

Rose being saved by her father was supposed to be a character defining moment for him. For the whole episode he was saying she wasn't his daughter so he didn't care if she died or not, and him deciding to save her was him accepting her as his daughter. It wasn't a random Deus Ex Machina, it was set up in the story and was possible using the technology available to them.