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Yes! I'm having a bad day, but now I have something to look forward to when I get home from work! Thanks for posting this today.


Sorry you are having a bad day, hope you enjoy. It's an hour and 20 mins so it's a lot of me in one sitting lol


Just finished watching, glad you enjoyed it! It's such a great pilot. Believe it or not, it keeps up this pace for quite a few seasons. It's one of my fav shows. There are lots of familiar faces in future episodes, and some great surprises. I never get tired of re-watching this series.

DJ Doena

I don't think Sydney went straight to the CIA, she probably waited a few days and her being an agent would be able to spot a tail. Also Sloane doesn't know she knows SD-6 isn't actually part of the CIA, so her walk-in wasn't an option to be anticipated. Daniel Hecht's name (her fiancé) derives from German. Hecht = pike (the fish)


I think we have to handwave Sydney walking into the CIA like that as artistic license. It looks dramatic, and it makes Sydney look ridiculous but also incredibly brave and strong -- she's clearly in pain but she will write Tolstoy-length intel on SD-6, and she does not implicate her father. Steven kept asking at the beginning, "What is this show?!" It's a family drama, duh. But you would have no way of knowing that yet. I vividly remember watching this pilot. It had been hyped all summer, and then 9/11 happened, and I was having a really bad night and decided to just put it on to see if it would distract me. ABC aired it without commercials, so it played like a movie and my attention was rapt. I hadn't seen anything like this on TV: starting in media res, non-linear storytelling, dense mystery box storytelling, a female lead who was whip smart, kickass but also allowed to be vulnerable and emotional with complex relationships and goals. I was hooked. Alias is still considered to be one of the best pilots of the Golden Age of TV, and the first two seasons are stellar. Steven mentioned the excessive music -- it was strange hearing some songs that I don't think were in the original. Alias used *a lot* of source music, but this was well before streaming outlets like Netflix and Hulu, which would forever change music licensing in TV shows. That's why some cult classic music-heavy shows like WKRP or Northern Exposure are not available to stream or on DVD. It would cost millions to secure the music they originally used.


One more thing, Jonna Mendez, former CIA Chief of Disguise, cited Sydney's airport alias as something the CIA could use as a training video: https://youtu.be/mUqeBMP8nEg


Great reaction to a great pilot. 9 is definitely not too high. It's full of great twists, action and acting, especially by Jennifer Garner who is amazing as Sydney Bristow. Sydney was my preteen/teen self's hero when this show was airing back in the early 00s. JG's performance earned her a Golden Globe as well as an SGA. She was also nominated for an Emmy 3 years in a row, as well as various other cast members. There is interesting and unexpected world-building to be developed within the universe of the show so I really hope you pick up this series.

Chastity Deatherage

Would love to see you keep doing reactions to Alias. It is such a great show...lots of twists and turns along the way.

Jason Usher

Love ALIAS so much