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Getting an actual glimpse at Sam & Dean's childhood, and especially a canonical view of John's way of hunting and his directions to young Dean, make this episode special to me. :)


Sam and Dean were mad neglected. I'm amazed they could read with how little schooling they seem to have gotten. John Winchester is human garbage, you can't change my mind.


Granted, I'm making a ton of assumptions, it's very vague. And Sam and especially Dean obviously don't like to talk about it. It's just wild imagining leaving your small children in a motel room with a gun and some spaghettios for 3+ days.


I liked this episode the first time I saw it. It was when we got some backstory that helped to fill in the life that has led to where they are now, that helped to explain things. The boys are just 4 years apart. Sam was 6 months old and Dean was 4 years old when their mom died. So in this episode Dean would have been 8 or 9, and Sam 4 or 5. Pretty young, still. Pretty young to have a child responsible for another child, and to know about monsters and already expected to use a gun against a monster. But, if their dad isn't around then someone has to do it. Interesting that John didn't think to leave them with Pastor Jim at the beginning, since it was just 3 hours away. It didn't seem like Dean wanted to talk about what happened, but Sammy got it out of him. It did look like he was a "pushover" for his little brother Sammy. But he's supposed to be Mr. Tough Guy. lol Sounds like you're already getting people hounding you for more and more videos. Sorry. We're a greedy bunch! Try not to let it bother you, though. It happens to everyone. And, frankly, some will never be satisfied. Most of us understand this isn't your "job", but some just don't seem to get it. Thanks! I'm Really looking forward to you reaching the finale of your first season with Supernatural! I hope you'll be able to do a gag reel video too. If you need help finding one, let me know. You have to be careful searching youtube, because there will be lots of spoilers. One site that often includes spoilers in their gag reel videos is Wayward Winchester. He pumps out a LOT of videos, but be careful.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

I've always loved this episode. Gave us one of our first real glimpse into the childhood Sam and Dean had, and how protective Dean is of Sammy. I didn't hate John on the first watch but the more I think about him, the more seasons I watched, the more I rewatched the earlier seasons...The more I wanted to punch him out. But I also wanted to protect him for Dean. John was everything to him, right after Sam.

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

Side note, I just can't with the crappy music they're using. Dean would hate it with a burning passion. I hope you get to hear the OG music they use in the future seasons...Also, that totally corny little brother line? Very Dean Winchester. He'd so totally say that.

emily ღ

i thought the same thing! especially with the "getting a little rusty there, kiddo" line, it seems like something he'd say to be a little shit, but given the storyline of the episode and it being about protecting your little brother, it was more than him just teasing.


Dude, your reactions are so funny "Yeah, YOU don't look like a witch, not even a little bit" 😂 and yes, you DO rock that chain 😀 thanks for the loads of laughs bro