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Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Innocence" 2x14 Reaction

  • An Episode That Belongs At The Top Of The List = 10 132
  • This Episode Was Straight 🔥🔥🔥 = 9 18
  • That Was Pretty Damn Good = 8 5
  • Solid Episode, Had Really Good Moments = 7 0
  • That Was Alright, More Good Than Bad = 6 0
  • Middle Of The Road, Should Have Been Way Better = 5 1
  • Some Ok Moments, Mixed With Really Bad Moments= 4 0
  • What A Waste, What Was The Point Of That Episode? = 3 - 1 0
  • 2019-03-13
  • 156 votes
{'title': 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Innocence" 2x14 Reaction', 'choices': [{'text': 'An Episode That Belongs At The Top Of The List = 10', 'votes': 132}, {'text': 'This Episode Was Straight 🔥🔥🔥 = 9', 'votes': 18}, {'text': 'That Was Pretty Damn Good = 8', 'votes': 5}, {'text': 'Solid Episode, Had Really Good Moments = 7', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'That Was Alright, More Good Than Bad = 6', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'Middle Of The Road, Should Have Been Way Better = 5', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'Some Ok Moments, Mixed With Really Bad Moments= 4', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'What A Waste, What Was The Point Of That Episode? = 3 - 1', 'votes': 0}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 13, 21, 28, 38, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 156}





I love the rest of the season! Thanks for reacting!


Great reaction to a great episode. I can even forgive the Smurf because its got the great scene of Buffy using a rocket launcher. Definitely a 10 episode.


So, so good. I love snarky, evil Angel.

Paul Gibson

Welcome to Buffy, no turning back now


Hey, is it just me or does it cut off early for everyone? At 1:00 hour in the middle of a sentence.


<img src="https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJ3IjoxNjAwfQ%3D%3D/patreon-comment/BVvf4PrD81LOsRlCbRTakJqR3LVSF84_xfpUiQ6mNtJgL5Rlrq7kXzjUJAnchIxn.jpg?token-time=1626998400&token-hash=NSN6RxfHiPoTkG2GqFwHTFw58qqzQ3EGrt0XULxK3-s%3D">

Kaylee Laurie

I just downloaded the Dropbox app and it’s full length on there


Love this episode and your reaction 😊


I think Papa Smurf was only there to be blown up, so Buffy would be able to win something. But Boreanaz's performance just jumps here, he's an amazing bad guy.


With the judge, now you have seen these two episodes - he is essentially a “monster of the week”, a catalyst to direct buffy and angel to get close and intimate and for Angel to lose his soul... and for a show down between them after. Once you get through that, he is barely noticeable lol and you can enjoy Spike being an ass to him and buffy blowing him up haha! Back when he was first around no weapon forged could kill him (arrows, rocks lol) but NOW we got rocket launchers! Boom! I think the key thing mentioned these two eps about Angel’s curse is the soul was cursed to him so he would suffer eternal pain, guilt, shame - emotional torture. The moment he isnt encombered by that and has a moment of true happiness and contentment, the soul is gone because vengeance is no longer being served. Personally, I dont think it was the act of sex in itself, i think it was a combination of relief they were okay after the fight and almost saying goodbye, saying they loved each other, making love for the first time, and falling asleep with her in his arms... for a moment he felt at peace and in love and content, and suddenly the soul was torn from him and he was Angelus again. Now the epicness of s2 is truly here and barring maybe 1 episode, the rest of the season (in my opinion) is absolutely awesome!! 😁 sooo looking forward to more!


Ooh and if you didnt know before, you know now lol - if its written and directed by Joss and he took the lead, you can pretty much guarantee the episode is gonna be straight gold and hit you with everything! 😍

Katherine Thoreson

Yes, now you are truly watching Buffy. I, and I think many people, believe this is where you start to see what Buffy the show is supposed to be. Also, in that scene with Ms. Calendar, they weren't blaming her for what happened. They were upset with her for knowing what she knew and not letting them know. She lied to them about who she is, why she is there, and if she had been truthful......maybe things could have turned out differently. It's more of an irrational, emotional moment.


What an episode! My theory is the judge was created to fool everyone into thinking he was going to be the big bad of the season which would have been really disappointing. Nobody was expecting it to be Angel. I have to agree with you on the jenny calender scene. I felt really sorry for her because she didn't know what would happen. My only excuse for them blaming her is that the gypsies didn't have to put that loop hole in when cursing him with a soul but again it wasn't her fault. This episode is definitely a 10 for me. There's so much going on at such a fast pace and they finally made Angel an interesting character as opposed to being just buffys love interest. After season 1 you kept saying how weak the villains were. I couldn't wait for you to get to school hard and innocence. You not only get 1 but 3 great villains lol

Cheryl Coffin

I agree that it's not the sex that returned Angel's soul, it was the contentment he felt afterward, and I think that's canon according to Joss. Either way, Angelus is a great villain, and you can tell David Boreanaz has a blast acting evil. Also, that's SMG's stunt double (Sophie Crawford) that has her throat ripped out by Angel in the alley.


I agree about Ms. Calendar. It definitely was not her fault, she didn't know what was at stake or how Angel would be able to lose his soul. But she lied about her identity, and that she was sent there to make sure Angel, one of our main characters, is still suffering. She doesn't do a great job, but I can see why Buffy would lash out at her. As for Giles, considering the scene in the car with Buffy at the end, and the way he said "she said get out," he might be putting his own feelings aside in order to support Buffy on probably the worst day of her life so far.


Agh Innocence!! It's incredible how much Joss manages to pack into this episode, absolutely the tightest writing and directing we've seen so far in the series. Usually when something is really good, other characters fall a bit to the wayside. But Joss manages to make time to develop every character in this episode. David Boreanaz, whew, it's not often Spike and Dru get outshined in a scene. And if you're a sadist for loving every second of the scene between Buffy and Angelus in Angel's apartment, then so am I. Talk about great choreography, that scene is essentially a battle, just "from the inside." And you're right, Angel has been kind of a dull character, as the superhero's love interest often is. He simply wasn't given a lot to do.

Collete L

I love Sarah's acting. I think she won an Emmy before staring in Buffy.

Ari is my Cat

She won a daytime emmy for her role on "All My Children" at age 18 in 1995.


Angel totally needed this heel turn. Freshen up the character, give him a push. He'll get over.


I do think this is one of the turning points of the show. I don't think this is a 10. I only give the top ten episodes of a show a 10. But still I would say it is well written/directed/and acted. definitely a 9 and great for a rewatch. I think the point of the judge is to show the audience that angel is not bluffing spike (like in school hard) to get a shot at the judge. His "power" is used to show the audience that angel isn't lying about being evil that he actually is a bad guy now. I think Joss wanted the tension in the scene afterwards with Buffy high, and to do that he had to "prove" that angel wasn't faking. I could be wrong, but that seems logical to me about the reasoning for the judge. Also, a great fakeout. Judge is the "Surprise" nope (well only for Drusilla).

Corey Wolf

Fun fact #826 - Judge was played by the the same dude that played the Master's right-hand vamp in the first couple episodes of season 1.

Vicky N

This is the moment that Buffy The Vampire Slayer becomes the show that people still talk about after twenty years. Angel losing his soul is pretty cool to watch, but story wise the impact of this episode is the emotional punch. Poor Buffy, she lost her innocence not only by having sex for the first time, but by realizing, in the most dramatic way possible for a young woman, that fairytale love story aren’t real. I find it funny and strange that your reaction to Willow perceived betrayal of Xander was more empathetic than your reaction to Buffy being actually intentionally hurt by Angelus.

Vicky N

The judge is not really a villain in this episode, he is a plot device that serves as catalyst for the emotional journey that Buffy goes through and to make sure for the audience that Angel is really changed “there’s no humanity left in him”. That’s why in the previous episode we see him killing even demon who have the slightest trace of humanity. Dalton reads, Spike and Drusilla could be killed because they share affection. It’s the only purpose of the aptly named judge.

Vicky N

I understand Buffy and Giles reaction to Jenny. They blame her for her deception. It’s true that they don’t share everything with each other, but hiding important informations like your real identity and the purpose of your presence is a pretty big betrayal.


As much as I love Bangel (mostly because I kind of lust after David Boreanaz) Angelus is fantastic. David finally gets to show his range as an actor and he's effing great at being bad.


God, your reaction resonated so hard with me on this one. A note on everyone blaming Jenny: just from my interpretation, I don't actually think Giles turning his back on her was because he held her responsible. I mean, he definitely felt betrayed -- and with good reason -- but I think his "get out" was in response to Buffy's suffering. Whether or not any of it was Jenny's fault, Buffy couldn't shoulder the responsibility on her own and she needed to put the rest of it somewhere. Unfortunately, it landed on Jenny, and as her Watcher (and father-figure, which I *loved* that you noted), will always have a need, if not the obligation, to come down on Buffy's side. I think it was about sparing her more pain, which is...well, heartbreaking, but fit in well with the themes of the show, and those of season 2 in particular.


Don't think you are the only one, a lot of people assumed Jenny and Drusilla were connected. I did the first time I watched it.


Angelus is my favorite villain but his scenes with Buffy make me so sad for her. I don't enjoy the awful things he says to her. Makes me cry every time. I hated your glee. Poor girl :(


Hey, I know I’m kinda late to the game but I wanted to let you know that the link is not working, keeps saying video processing, hope it can get fixed but if not, no worries