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Howdy ladies and gentlemen, so you all know I like to keep things as transparent as possible.  So I wanted to let everyone know that some changes were made to the $10 Patreon Tier. 

Originally what was happening was that anyone at this tier would get an exclusive series (Orphan Black), that has been changed. This tier will no longer get an Exclusive Series. Instead they will receive Pilot Program shows. 

Along with that what will also happen at this tier is that they will receive episodes early sometimes. So this will not change anything for other tiers. Just wanted to let everyone know that if you see an additional episode of a show for the week and you don't have access to it that is why. Now this wont be an every week thing for every show, this will be a thing that happens when I have time and am in the mood to watch an additional episode of a certain show. Sometimes it may be The Office other times it may be Buffy or Dr Who. Like I said I want to be transparent and want to make sure everyone knows whats going on. 

Those that are $10 Patrons and want to switch back down because they only joined for the Exclusive Series I want to make sure you all know whats happening. 

Orphan Black and an other series will be available at the $5 Patreon Level but those at the $10 Level will just get an extra episode sometimes. 

Those that are at the $5 Tier I don't want you to think that I have forgotten to give access to you or anything or that i'm taking away anything. 

This is just me giving those at the $10 Tier Access a little bit earlier. 

On most shows I am ahead by several weeks before YouTube so saying that they would get episode 2 or 3 weeks earlier would not make much sense since $5 Patrons are already ahead from YouTube by several episodes on most shows.

Wording it this way by saying I will just give an extra episode a week from where the $5 Patrons are just seemed like a fair way to word it without making anyone feel like i'm taking things away but also making those at the $10 tier feel they are getting something extra for supporting me at that level.
I know people don't like change and this may not go over well for some that may think I am taking stuff away but I can assure you that it is not the case.

This is literally  a "When I Have Time Or Want To Watch The Next Episode Early" kind of thing. Nothing is changing for any other tier. 
This is not a me trying to be greedy and get anyone to switch kind of thing, Please dont switch if its not worth it to you. This is not about getting more people to move up or anything like that. $10 Patrons know that I have been trying to figure out how to give those that have been supporting me at that tier something worth it to them and that I felt bad not delivering value that I felt was worth it. I asked and they seem to be into this idea. Ultimatly it was my choice and I think that since I am so ahead from YouTube on some shows that giving access to the next tier supporters would be worth it.

I hope I explained everything well enough but as you all know i'm not the best at explaining sometimes so if you have questions please feel free to ask me.  

Below You Will See An Original Post That Was Given To The $10 Patrons Explaining Things A Couple Weeks Ago.

What this means is..

Example: I have recorded the Buffy The Vampire Slayer, The Office, Supernatural, Avatar, FireFly Episodes for the week. But what if when I can I drop an extra episode of a show or two or three when I can. I uploaded Buffy 2 days ago what if I have time and drop another one tomorrow. Would that be something that would be worth it for you all. This is an example.
Some days I want to watch another episode of a show but I don't because I don't want to post it on Patreon before I post other shows I need to catch up on. What if at this tier I just posted stuff when I wanted to record it and I don't just sit on it until the time is right.

Doctor Who Gets one more episode this week because it was Fast Tracked in January and after one more episode the show will be ahead of YouTube the number of episodes that it should be ahead of on Patreon because of the Fast Track.

Dexter i'm still behind by a few episodes, expect 2 more this week, but it is still being fast tracked so It will keep getting 2-3 Episodes a week for everyone $5+ hopefully. 

So I know that I planned on doing exclusive series like Orphan Black & The Magicians but I know that not everyone watches that series at this tier and I want to make this tier worth it to everyone. I think I would rather give all the $5 Patrons access to those shows when I record them and just give you all an extra episode of shows when I record them early. 

Other creators do it so that Patreon Supporters get an episode a week or 2 early but for me I'm already so ahead on some shows like Doctor Who, Buffy, Supernatural, etc... that I cant really do that pattern. I would just rather put up extra stuff for you all when I have it. 
Does this all make sense? I tend to write the way I talk and its just a lot of rambling. This tier will still get the Pilot Program Shows uncut and unedited and Movie reactions when I do them. I just hate not delivering you all stuff at this tier the way I should. So please let me know if this is something you would all like to see happen. No set pattern to when you would get the shows early on a weekly basis. It would be when I record it you see it. Some times you may get Buffy 3 times some weeks you may not get an extra Buffy and just the regular 1 for that week. 
I hope that makes sense. I hope I did not confuse you all. 



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