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A solid 6 for me. I like how over the top Lumik is, but to each their own. You're totally right about Jackie, but I think it's supposed to show you how much having Rose in her life improved her, vs Jackie just being an asshole because she now has money etc. Raising Rose by herself really grounded her it seems. On the topic of Rose, I never really mark her down for her tendency to get jealous, as I see that as emotional scarring from never having a dad, and having an over-protective mom. Still really enjoying the reactions man, and really respect how much thought and effort you put into your Patreon. If there was literally one thing I'm not overly keen on, it's the looking down at your phone (and I've spoken to a few people who feel the same way), but you're busy, so I understand if it's a necessity. Keep it up. :)

Idun V

The Cybermen have definitely improved since the first ones though xD <a href="https://i.redd.it/8falj3k93rg21.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.redd.it/8falj3k93rg21.jpg</a>

Ari is my Cat

Zeppelins didn't take off because of the Hindenburg disaster.

David Broome

RE Youtube cr strikes, a real nightmare and so unfair but we have a saying in the UK, don't let the bastards get you down. You are a good reactor and we appreciate your content, fuck all tyrants and corporate greed.

David Broome

The overacting is real, it happens here and there when beloved British actors finally get to have a part in Doctor Who as they see it as a chance to really ham it up for some reason. The actor was best known for his part as "Trigger" in classic comedy show called Fools and Horses.


I'm a bit late here, but for Who purposes, supposedly in Pete's world, the Hindenburg never crashed so zepplins/blimps were still a thing. In reality, there were more disasters than the Hindenburg (That's just the one they managed to record and was the most well known), but that wasn't why we don't have them all over the place now. They never really took off after the novelty wore off because fueling them is expensive. Plus they're bulky, slower, etc. But there was a time when they were used a lot more until people found better options.


Oh, and also you're right. I get all awkward on camera, can't say what I want to say, get anxious, etc. I'm not shy but some of us really wouldn't be able to handle reaction vids and all, even though the idea sure is appealing. I know a lot of work does have to go into them and I (and I'm sure others) appreciate your efforts!

Paul Gibson

Roger Lloyd-Pack (Lumic) is a national treasure in the UK. How dare you criticise? Haha

Paul Gibson

But yeah he is very ott here. He is better known for sitcoms which probably suit his acting style better