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Ari is my Cat

He sped up his plan because Bautista talked to him about her. She could ID him. It's why he tried to kill Bautista. He failed so getting identified was only a matter of time.

Ari is my Cat

It's implied that Dexter's father wasn't part of the crew that stole the drugs. Also since Harry adopted Dexter the dad likely wasn't with his mother and was not part of Dexter's life.

Janet Daurity

This was so worth waiting for. Your reactions are so exactly mine on the first time I watched. It is so fun watching it with you except you see things I didn't see. you have such inisight. Cant wait for the finale. Epic

Janet Daurity

"Deck the halls with parts of bodies fa la la la la la la la la" LOL

Jason Usher

Great reaction