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As I'm here discussing back and forth via email with CBS about what they want me to do and about them removing my strike. They hit me with another strike on a different Episode. I literally emailed them twice agreeing to take down the videos and re-edit the videos and put up review videos instead as they requested I do, saying they would remove the Strike and they hit me with another Strike.




Wow CBS are being a$$holes!


Honestly you should just make a video and say that you are gonna stop uploading the edited videos on youtube and instead you are going to upload the videos to patreon for free the same time you would upload them too youtube. that way just in case you wont get another strike and get your channel shut down because of the flimsy copyright rules. all though it's all up to you man. hope you come out of this on top.


You might just have to make all your reactions redirects to avoid the BS

Katherine Thoreson

The whole “system” is messed up, inconsistent, hypocritical, and greedy. I’m sorry you are having to deal with this.


The person you were talking to probably isn't the same person that's currently striking videos. Might need to give them time to spread the word. However I just wouldn't say it's worth it, might have to start uploading stuff to Dropbox to avoid all this nonsense.


You should reach out to other creators and see what they have done. I know Ian from Passion of the Nerd went through something similar. Maybe reach out to someone like that?


oh jeez, i did say it bro, on ur last post about CBS, doing their shows never goes down well