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Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Bad Eggs" 2x12 Reaction

  • An Episode That Belongs At The Top Of The List = 10 1
  • This Episode Was Straight 🔥🔥🔥 = 9 0
  • That Was Pretty Damn Good = 8 2
  • Solid Episode, Had Really Good Moments = 7 6
  • That Was Alright, More Good Than Bad = 6 24
  • Middle Of The Road, Should Have Been Way Better = 5 37
  • Some Ok Moments, Mixed With Really Bad Moments= 4 20
  • What A Waste, What Was The Point Of That Episode? = 3 - 1 7
  • 2019-03-05
  • 97 votes
{'title': 'Buffy The Vampire Slayer "Bad Eggs" 2x12 Reaction', 'choices': [{'text': 'An Episode That Belongs At The Top Of The List = 10', 'votes': 1}, {'text': 'This Episode Was Straight 🔥🔥🔥 = 9', 'votes': 0}, {'text': 'That Was Pretty Damn Good = 8', 'votes': 2}, {'text': 'Solid Episode, Had Really Good Moments = 7', 'votes': 6}, {'text': 'That Was Alright, More Good Than Bad = 6', 'votes': 24}, {'text': 'Middle Of The Road, Should Have Been Way Better = 5', 'votes': 37}, {'text': 'Some Ok Moments, Mixed With Really Bad Moments= 4', 'votes': 20}, {'text': 'What A Waste, What Was The Point Of That Episode? = 3 - 1', 'votes': 7}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2019, 3, 5, 19, 36, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 97}






Not a favorite but it’s a fun ep.

Vicky N

Don’t worry, this is objectively one of the worst episodes of the entire show. Only things worth noticing are in the background (sex, responsibility), while the main plot doesn’t make sense.


Dumb, dumb episode. Bottom 10 in the series.


Can’t wait to see your reaction to the next episode!


It's... it's "Bad Eggs." You were right to be concerned about the title. Not that there's nothing fun here. But it's... weak. ETA: The silly Bangel-speak is a big trope that gets a lot of fun poked at it. You're definitely not the only one with a big eyeroll at it. :D


This one is a clunker...but it's all uphill from here :-)

Other Boy Reactions

You’ll understand why a light episode like this one was needed once you see the rest of the season. Prepare for your mind to be blown, Steven!🤭😍😂

Katherine Thoreson

I would say the point of this episode was all the Buffy/Angel interaction. It's not something you can understand on first viewing....but when you look back it makes more sense. Not saying it's not a meh episode....it is what it is. But I feel like I understand the point of this episode after repeated viewings. Also, I feel like everyone misses that mirror double-take at the beginning of the episode. I know I did. I think it's shot a bit oddly. The first night with the egg creature, I believe that it was draining Buffy's energy....because in my thinking, you drain the energy of the host which makes it easier to overtake later.....at least that's how I've always explained the plot to myself.

Alexis Cardarella

Oh, god, trust me when I say I don’t want to ruin things for you, but Angel is established to have been 27 when he was turned vampire... 😬

Alexis Cardarella

This is one of those Buffy episode where the main premise/plot is awful, but there are many great lines and scenes throughout the episode


Yeah he does know that but it’s also kinda been established they didn’t mean to make him that old, they wanted him to be “around” 20, but got them selves into a corner after they started putting dates together. I think it is best to just not think about it much, it never bothered me when I first watched it because I never really thought about how old he was when he turned. Just how I process it I guess!


This is definitely a cringey episode, one of my least favourite. However (without spoiling too much) the next like 6 in a row are some of my favourite so I’m really looking forward to the next few weeks. In regards to the Buffy/Angel stuff, all the make out scenes I think are just to establish they are getting closer and feelings are getting deeper. Also it can be corny but one thing to remember is that Buffy is a teenage girl, even though she is the slayer, she is still victim to normal teenage crushes, I remember writing the MOST cringey diary entries and love letters to my crush back in the day. I think back now and just go....EWWWW!

Ari is my Cat

I think 5 is a fair score. The episode was bad with some really cool funny moments. My theory on what the things were doing touching their victims the night before is simple but plausible. I think they were draining energy from them so they would be easier to control when they attached the next day. It explains the tired and sort of explains why it was a 2 night process instead of a 1 night process. The dumb cowboy vampires I think only exist as a misdirect. Mostly meh but I do love the funny bits.

Ari is my Cat

I think all the Buffy Angel make out stuff was just a lazy way of showing their relationship is moving to a new level. Uncharacteristically lazy writing for a Joss Whedon show.


This episode is a bad egg of season two ahahaha! No, for real... compared to the vast majority of season two, this episode feels like a dud to me. BUT, there are a couple of moments in this episode that I love and find hilarious. The Gorch Brothers are so random and funny, some of the lines are great, but otherwise... it feels like a season one reject haha. BUT baring maybe 1 or 2 through the rest of this season, the rest of the episodes are fantastic, honestly.


Ha! that's a really good point actually... I have realised that usually we can a light/ fun/ silly episode either right before or right after something seriously f***king epic goes down lol... I'm looking at bad eggs and go fish right now lol

Other Boy Reactions

Yes, other than those two, I’d say the rest of the upcoming episodes are either epic or very solid episodes😄👍🏽


This is a candy episode for me. I don´t understand why everyone hates it so much. The creatures don´´´t start attaching to people until reach maturity. Before that, they drain their hosts energy which aids in maturation. I thought the pacing was good. It´s just a good fun monster of the week episode. It´s nowhere near as bad as Some Assembly Required and Inca Mummy Girl.


I thought that too. Went through the episode list for the rest of the season and thought there were only 2 ‘meh’ episodes left. Arghhh, I’m so excited!


I meant to address this earlier, but I think the reason Angel and Buffy were so into each other right off the bat is that they are both unique beings. Buffy is the slayer, which up until recently is a burden only she has. And Angel is the only ensouled vampire we've ever heard of. Both of these roles make them supremely lonely, so finding someone else who feels the same way draws them together. For me at least, this kinda makes their chemistry click a little better.

Richard Lucas

It’s just me personally, but Go Fish has a special place in my heart. Mostly because a certain shot in that episode pushed me right into puberty I think lol