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So the office was claimed and blocked. Just thought it was funny. Video Manually reviews 3 days ago and it was claimed but they felt it should not be blocked.

Today it was manually reviewed again by a different company and they felt it should be blocked.

Sometimes I have to laugh so I dont lose passion to keep trying.

You All Make Me Keep Going,




Ari is my Cat

Same thing with blind wave. Now their youtube dexter vids have their pre and post commentary with the reaction in a link to vimeo.


Might have to do redirects for a while.


Never expected a strike from an American company


Sorry :(

Janet Daurity

Another reviewer I follow had his whole channel disabled. Will you still be able to post them here?

David Broome

I love how all these social media platforms build up multi billion dollar companies based on user content and then fuck their users as hard as they can in favour of commercial/political interests.


It shouldn't affect the patron content he puts on other platforms, like dropbox.


Things have been really tough for creators on YouTube this last year, and it's getting worse. Usually it's supernatural that's causing people problems. Some people make a backup YouTube site, in case their main one gets taken down. The big thing is to not lose all your work. Video does seem to be a place some are choosing, but I think it'll come to video at some point.