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Hey ladies and gentlemen. So I recorded a few shows this morning before work and as I sit here on my break I just wanted to share some random thoughts on some anime that I watched in bed while I was sick the past week.

So these are anime that I never heard about or have ever heard anyone mention they would want me to make reactions of. They are Rom-Com anime. I dont know if that is a genre in the anime community but that's how i would classify them. They were all surrounding high school, friends and ultimately a love story of some kind. I honestly dont know why I watched them or how I even stumbled upon them. 

I wanted something light to watch and when looking I went into anime comedy and it started by watching one and the recommendations on VRV and Funimation just lead me to the others.

So the reason I am mentioning this is becuase I didnt do reactions for them but wanted to share them and see if any of you have watched them. I binged them all over 5 days while I was in bed sick. 

These were the anime

  • Mayo Chiki
  • Real Girl
  • Fuuka

I know this is random but just something that was on my mind. 

Here are random questions I have.

How often are anime cancelled? 3 of these anime just end and 2 dont even have proper closure. They feel like they were meant to have more seasons but its been a while for some of them so I'm guessing they wont ve getting them. 

Also how often do they change the Anime from the Manga? 

Is "Fan Service" weird for others especially when they are dealing with underage characters? 

Is there a reason for the term "Fan Serive"? I dont fully understand the point in these shows. They dont add to the story but only a small amount of times but some shows go overboard.

How often is the stereotype of the main kid a nerdy shy boy with black hair and glasses? 

Well thanks for reading my random post.




There are a few anime tropes that will always be a thing. Nerdy guy with black hair and glasses is one. The more you watch anime the more you’ll notice it. It’s unfortunate but there are a ton of anime that get only one or two seasons. Sometimes it may come back after a couple years. For attack on titan, there were four years in-between season one and two. I’m not a manga reader so I can’t answer that question. The age of consent in Japan is 13 so the younger characters and the fan service is weird to many but common in anime. If you like the love/Rom-com animes, you may like meiji tokyo renka Holmes of Kyoto Love is war Rascal Bunny Sempai


Imma try to answer all 5 of the things you asked so this might be long winded but fuck it. 1.) Anime getting cancelled happens all the time, and there is alot of stuff that goes into whether an anime gets a season 2 that im not gonna bother going into. But alot of anime ends a season off on hopes there will be a season 2 because it depends on a bunch of different shit and it happens all the time, but in some cases its not that the anime is cancelled but that they dont have a studio to produce the next season and among other BS some shows will take 2-5 years to get other season. 2.) This is hard to answer because if your asking "how often does the anime not do exactly what happens in the manga" its all the fucking time. But if your asking "How often does the anime change to the entire story to the point where the manga and anime are two different things" It does happen from time to time but not as often, because some anime are only green lighted for like 12 episodes so the anime has to end at a point that makes sense. So sometimes they will completely change how something happens or take something out so they can end the anime at a point that makes sense. 3.) Not really because if youve been watching anime for a while it gets to the point where you ignore it or accept it for what it is and keep watching. Even if they are underage i means its a cartoon at the end of the day so it is what it is but it happens in too many shows at some point youll learn to deal with it. 4.) Its literally to try to drive up sales, im not going to go into to detail but is called fan service because there are fans who want to see there favorite characters in some shows "lewded". But fan service doesnt mean its perverted in a show its just a general term that people use for when that stuff happens. 5.) ALL THE FUCKING TIME. Well at least a good 60%-70% of the time.


Well if I ever get sick again ill keep those in mind. Thanks for answering, I'm new to this so was just curious.

Abbie C

i know its super long but it was a long list lol 😊 1. Anime don't always have a second season coz companies don't always buy the rights to air the next part. Sometimes they are cancelled coz of ratings, cost and the original writers demands. 2. Sometimes they do change things in the anime bug it depends on the anime really and how long it is. They also tend to sensor things a lot more in the anime like for example it might be too gory and violent or too pervy so they sensor it. 3. I'm not a fan of "fan" service to tell u the truth and it can get too much and just too creepy. And I agree that it takes you out of the moment and I'm just like why. I think that anime producers are starting to understand that it doesn't really interest most people though coz they've begun to tone it down. Example seven deadly sins season 2. I think a little is fine in the right places though coz then u can just take it as humour. 4. I think the nerdy kid stereotype is used quite a lot to be honest but if the writer and the anime is good then they present the character in a completely different way.