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Annie R. James

A couple of things I want to say, but starting with that I enjoyed your reaction, as always :) They couldn't have the final conversation in the car, because the conversation was about not being in the same car - it was about splitting up, so they had to have it right where it happened. The boys assume that Meg is a human who is somehow involved in the supernatural - they have no reason to assume otherwise. So when she falls from a third-fourth story window and is still lying there when they look out (btw, she does bleed, there's a puddle of blood under her head) they, of course, assume that she is dead. There is not only no need to check a pulse, but they also can't know if Meg was working alone and decide to get out of there as fast as possible. One could also argue that they got away before the cops could show up to arrest them for her murder.

Sarah Trow

I don't remember exactly so I could be wrong but I wanna say that the altar wasn't what was controlling the shadows...she just made Sam think that...because she was rubbing a necklace when the shadows attacked at the end.


Yeah it's a 7 from me, just because I feel like the conflict with Meg and the reunion with John could have been paced better. I think it would have been better if the whole showdown with the shadow demon and Meg had happened in that warehouse place at the same time, then John could have fallen into the trap and showed up to save Sam and Dean and maybe nearly die, thereby reinforcing the fact that he's vulnerable when they're around. The constant changing of venue and all that setup could have been cut shorter so we could focus more on the character moments and the Meg conflict.


The alter was part of what controlled the shadow demons. That's why they were able to go after Meg. They were free of her control. She was obviously able to regain control, and she used the necklace as part of that. Or, I'm wrong, and Meg was playing with them and it was all part of the act.

Nicole Garver

Come on - if they’d stayed together, you’d have missed out on the gorgeous cinematography of three beaten and bloody Winchesters, with heartbreak all over their handsome faces at having to split up again. || I actually agree with comments from Annie - plus a little of my shallow theory sprinkled on top.


I am rewatching the show and your reaction because I never finished it and it thought now would be a good time.. but I just caught something that idk it was funny to me. around 12:27, meg says something about meeting "something Micheal Murray" she was talking about Chad Michael Murray, and then when Sam said "who?" I laughed because Jared Padalecki actually played in a movie with Chad called "House of Wax". I thought it was funny how Sam said "who?" lol


Wow, so I was originally going to give this episode a 9 because I just know that I've always really liked it but you made some good points. I mean, I think they did assume she was a human and couldn't possibly survive that fall, but it would have been smart to double check, especially since they also thought the danger had passed. My major issue though is that they're saying they need to split up because "they almost got Dad killed just now" but it's like, he's going to be getting attacked anyway if he's hunting monsters. Having a third guy watch your back is more beneficial than the detriment of spending energy worrying about them. If it wasn't, Sam and Dean wouldn't hunt together either. But we also know that hunting is not generally supposed to be a solitary thing, it's always better to have a partner watch your back and of COURSE you're going to care about that person. I just think the whole "caring makes us too vulnerable" is kinda dumb and it's something that comes up multiple times in the series, unfortunately 😕