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Hey ladies and gentleman, Sorry no videos today but I am still feeling very very sick and have been mostly drugged up on meds after work and trying to edit some stuff.

So as you guys know I'm trying to find what to do with anime reactions I edit it two videos today and I want to hear your opinions.

Even if you dont watch anime I would appreciate it if you watched a minute or two of the reaction portion of the videos.

Option 1 is a short reaction. I use about 5-6 mins of footage total.


Option 2 is the full Reaction but the video will see a cover come over the show portion that comes and goes. This way you get more of the show footage appearing throughout.


Which Way Would You Rather Watch If You Weren't A Patron? The shorter version or the longer version?


Donell Robbins

Are we talking about youtube or patreon


YouTube, if you Weren't a patron but wanted to watch the reaction. Which would be more enjoyable? The short version about 5 mins of total footage shown. Long version 10 mins of footage total but it's a part of the Full Reaction that sees the footage covered on occasion.

Donell Robbins

It I a Patreon I would The short reaction would be more enjoyable for me


Honestly Id probably go with the shorter version, it may just be me but having the screen blocked and everything muted would take me out of it.

Heather Flores-Ricks

I think both work. I have reaction channels I watch that do both of those. On the shorter clips with your longer running animes you could do a composite of 3 episodes. I don't know if that would help or not

Sierra's pichu

For the longer one could you show the subtitles at the bottom when you cover up the show so it could be easier to follow along?


I'd recommend option 2, because I suspect you'll run into similar issues with option 1


I personally like option 2 but knowing the people of youtube (viewers) they would probably like option 1 (i know this didn't really help)


i dont watch anime, so i dont know how much of the plot got lost; but i much prefer option one.


I don't watch anime, but in general - I would prefer a full reaction, even if I couldn't see the show playing on your screen. I could always pull up the actual show in another window and sync it to your version so I could watch simultaneously, as long as I could hear a little bit of the audio once in a while to know that it's still synced.

Abbie C

me personally i would prefer a full reaction but i would think most people would find it more convenient to have footage on the reaction than to have t open the footage on a second device. so i would go with option 1.


I like full reactions but the coverup kinda annoyed me. Thank goodness I can watch the full version on Patreon 🤗. If you do the coverup, I agree with the others about the subtitles at the bottom. The 5-6 mins of footage didn’t seem like enough for me. 🤷‍♀️


Just trying to figure out how best to avoid copyright issues while still putting up the content. As for the subtitles I'll try to see how I can do that.


I’m fine with whatever you do. I’ve seen Reactors do both. I just got spoiled with your full and clear reactions


Well the good thing is that these arnt going away for Patreon Supporters. This is for YouTube videos. I dont think I made that clear and scared some of you. Patreon reactions are not changing. I just want to get back on top of anime reactions in general and to do that I want to start putting the up on YouTube again. I just want to avoid the copyright issues. So 5-6 mins of show footage would be what YouTube viewers would get.

Cheddah Slammer

All the reaction channels on Youtube for Anime are having trouble now with Anime reactions, with any sort of vid showing footage. Even the ones that are edited following you tube guidelines. I would suggest ether just using a timer in the corner, and then we can just open a tab with the episode reaction or you can have just the subtitles showing on the bottom. These two methods seem to work. I know this is not what everyone wants but it may be necessary for you to avoid copyright, and not get your channel taken down.


Full reaction please 🙏🙏