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Ari is my Cat

I like that the town was the bad guy more than the creature.

Natalie Shepherd

The convention videos (too many spoilers for you to watch) show why they are still there after 300 episodes. Jared & Jensen see each other as real life brothers pretty much since they met plus they both love their characters which is why they aren’t bored & continue to play them. Jensen was offered Hawkeye in Marvel films after he tried out for Captain America but didn’t get the part but they liked him so offered Hawkeye which is turned down to stay with SPN. Watching these two guys together in real life shows why the chemistry on screen is so good. Whilst every episode can’t be fantastic there are far more excellent episodes than bad ones. The last 3 episodes of Season 14 have been awesome, so 300 episodes later they are still killing it. Hope you manage to get through them all to catch up with current episodes.


I think this episode is both good and bad. Has some really good parts, but some pretty stupid parts too. I'm a sucker for the brother stuff, though, so that makes it edge ahead just a bit.


Request - could you make the resolution options go down below 1080p? My internet isn't as fast as it should be, so I usually reduce it to 720p, but this video didn't provide that as an option for some reason. Just 1080p.


I was with Dean in the argument between him and Sam at the beginning of the episode. If they left, then 2 people would die. Dean felt that trying to save them was more important. Sam didn't want to wait a day or two, so he was thinking it more important to go after their father. Dean didn't. I sided with Dean on this one, but otherwise, I'd say go with Sam.