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Ari is my Cat

So much good in this episode. Solid 9.

Ari is my Cat

The Chinese is mostly cursing so the subtitles would just be censored.

Ari is my Cat

It's hard to compare episodes because they have such different tones. The episode "Bushwhacked" was dark, this episode had light and dark moments and managed to give some background to Simon. Some episodes are more comedy. There are 6 episodes in the series I would give a ten starting with the next episode.

Ari is my Cat

At the start of the show River is 16. She was 14 when she went to the government academy that messed her up. Simon is supposed to be 27 but they look as closer in age in this episodes first flash back..

Vicky N

You’re absolutely right, it’s hard to give a lower score than a 8 for this show. This is a 9 for me. Everything better tha this is perfection. You were asking why River was looking at the dancers feet. She was learning the steps and it took her no more than a few seconds to be able to follow perfectly.

Catherine Thurmond

Yes Zac Efron was young Simon. I loved this episode because we get The Tams backstory get a hint a something with Book and everyone really feels like a crew a family. I also love at the dinner scene at the end not only does River steal Jaynes bread but Simon pulls out Kaylees chair like a gentleman. 💜

Katherine Thoreson

I give every episode a 10 because the series was so short lived, and I personally take away something iconic for the series from every episode. Also I’m biased. 😁 During the scene with the berries Simon calls River mei-mei (sounds like may may). It means sister.

NaTasha Norris

When are we getting episode 6?


Right now. Firefly is a Once A Week show. Should have been up yesterday but took all day to process. I recorded it and it has finally processed so should be up in a few mins

Wanda Did Nothing Wrong

“Yeah but she’s our witch... so cut her the hell down” this is where my love for Mal came