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So for this episode the case was a pretty standard and easy to figure out case (especially if you watch a lot of crime shows), but I think that was by design. This hook for this show isn't necessarily that it's got the most unique "crimes" (though it does have some that I haven't seen anywhere else) or stuff like that, this show's hook is the unique "psychic" powers and the charisma of the main characters. On the subject of Shawn's "powers" he is obviously not psychic but he doesn't even necessarily have a photographic memory (though it's still a very good memory) he has just been trained since a very young age (as shown by the opening sequence in 1986 where he looks about 11 and has obviously been being trained for a while) by his cop dad, really all it's just being very observant and haunt really good deductive reasoning skills. That's why it "flashes" on things so that the audience can see what he is noticing and have a chance at solving the case before the big reveal. Also if you end up watching more there are some running gags that are in every single episode (you even noticed one of them), but if you want I'll let you know what they are so you can try and spot them. One of them was mentioned pretty frequently when the show cut to commercials when it aired live, there are 2 more that I noticed, the others I only found out after reading some trivia on imdb after finishing the series. In some episodes they are extremely easy to notice (like this one) and in others I still haven't spotted and I've been through the entire series at least 5 times already.

Ari is my Cat

This show is fun. It's popcorn. Not big on the emotional hits but very funny and highly entertaining. It's literally "The Mentalist" as a comedy without the tragic backstory.

Ari is my Cat

Fun Fact: The black guy played Bud on the Cosby show.


Never seen the Cosby show to he honest. Maybe an Episode or two but dont remember anything if I did


Wow you must really love the show to catch on to those things. Thanks for the info again. Helps with understanding better.


Shawn has almost a photographic memory, and has been trained to be hyper-observant (plus being super bright, if lazy). So... psychic!