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Ari is my Cat

Good background in this episode but the the next several episodes are all in the 9-10 range.

Ari is my Cat

This is my 10th favorite episode of Firefly and I rate it a solid 8.


I love this episode so much, it adds to the fear of the Reavers so much. To address your issues (the short screen time after the Reaver reveal, and how easy the Reaver went down), you gotta remember this guy was not a full Reaver yet he was in the process of becoming a Reaver, and I think that addresses both of the issues. It solves the screen time because they didn't want you getting it in your head that this is exactly what Reavers look like, they have him just enough screen time so you could see he was mutilating himself but not enough for you to expect that look from every single Reaver. Now you say that he went down very easy but if you think about it he really didn't, he killed at least 1 man, and injured a second pretty badly (if he didn't die action was a bit fast) and then pinned a third to the ground. He did this all in less than 2 seconds, fast enough that none of the remaining 4 or 5 men remaining could raise their weapons, and everyone in that ruin was a trained soldier except maybe Mal and he had experience fighting in war (he is on the side fighting against the government so we don't know whatif any trading he got). Now if you remember that ship that got attack was carrying only civilians, so this "Rookie" Reaver (who was a civilian before this) essentially took out 3 trained soldiers (1 dead, 1 dead/dying or wounded enough to be out of fight, and 1 pinned) in less than 2 seconds before 5 other soldiers even had the time to register he was there. When you take into account how savage he was acting you can assume that there is probably some in fighting among Reavers at least when they come across people if not all the time, so imagine how dangerous a Reaver that has survived many attacks will be. To imagine that an inexperienced civilian turned Reaver managed to accomplish a feat that a trained soldier would have trouble replicate speaks volumes.


the other show you saw morena on the poster for was aropuond the same time<after this=""> its called 'V' another scifi show. . remake of an old show. . alien invasionish. . fairly intresting. . but again only 1 or 2 seasons</after>