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Ari is my Cat

Scurvy is caused by a lack of vitamin C. Sailors used to get it in the old days. The British Navy started making sailors eat limes which led to the term Limy being used as a substitute for British.


Great reaction. Yep, for Season 1, it is definitely a 9. This is the episode that had me hooked and truly made me fall in love with the show. The scene where Dean called John is the first chink in Dean's tough guy facade, Jensen is such an amazing actor and he is really good at getting you in the feels with the emotional scenes. To be fair to Jared, Jensen started Supernatural with the experience of Days of our Lives, Dark Angel and Smallville (I'm probably forgetting some as well) whereas Jared's only other job before this was Gilmore Girls (and I think a movie with the Olsen twins?) so Jensen not only had more acting experience but he also had experience with similar genres too. It's great watching how much they both progress as actors over the Seasons and Jared can definitely give some outstanding performances. I understand what you are saying at the end for why you didn't give it a 10 but I think you'll like the direction the main story arc goes and if you watch this episode back eventually, you may change your mind.


Kirsty - I need to disagree with you on one little thing. Jared had done quite a bit of work before starting Supernatural. 10 movies between 1999 and 2005. Most were supporting, or smaller roles. A few were leads or main roles. 4 appearances on tv shows 1 TV series - regular (Gilmore Girls) Jensen, since 1996: 3 movies - main character or lead 4 tv series - regular - 1 year each 5 tv show appearances


I loved this Reaction. It was really fun watching you watch - and React - to this one. It is probably the best one of the season so far. But not the best episode overall. hee hee I think your rating is totally justified. I hadn't ever really thought over what you talked about with the mom. It was a nice way to bring the show back to it's roots - how the show started out. Nice to see the boys with their mom. Do you realize that this is the first time Sam actually really saw his mom - in "person". And heard her actual voice. He was just 6 months old when she died, so doesn't remember any of that. Dean as 4, and he remembers it all very well. What Dean does say, but the pause he took during telling Sam about That night, was that I think he saw his mom burning on the ceiling. He remembers the horror of that night as a 4 year old. When his whole world turned upside down. Going back there is just too hard for him, so he avoids it. I liked seeing a crack in Dean's tough demeanor. But he didn't want Sam to see it. Always he's trying to be the Big Brother, which apparently means not showing that the case was getting to him. Too bad, because I think Sam would have liked to see that. Sam was pretty worried, but Dean tried to act like things were fine, thinking that's what Sam needed. Which he probably did. Someone needed to be (i.e. act) calm. I think Jared is actually quite a decent actor. You can tell because of the scenes between him and Jensen. The difference when he's with other people, is that he's putting on a sympathetic demeanor to get their trust and to try and comfort them. He could maybe do a better job of actually seeming sympathetic. But the other thing is that he and Jensen are the 2 main leads and are always together. Plus they became really good friends after meeting for this show. So they bring out the best in each other. I really like Missouri too. She's fun. Nice to see John finally, but what the heck is he doing????

Nicole Garver

I adore this episode, it’s still on my (growing) list of favorites. The emotion, the scares, and all we learn about the boys just combines to give us an outstanding one. | Eric Kripke was on a panel once where he was speaking about how much he LOVES the bit when the plumber shoves his hand into the disposal and the blood pours out the pipe! He giggled like a psycho and it’s hilarious. I don’t usually care for gory shows/movies, but Supernatural gives me the perfect amount. | I agree that Jensen came into the show as the stronger actor than Jared. Which makes sense when you remember that Jensen is 4 years (and some change) older than Jared. They are both so good, but it’s my opinion that Jensen is still the stronger actor - he’s just incredible, especially in those scenes where he’s fighting against showing his emotions. | By the way: There’s a great video from a convention in Montreal where Jensen is telling a story about getting locked out of his hotel room, after his key, the night manager’s key, and the handyman’s key would not open the door, he proceeded to kick it down. I guess kicking down all those doors on the set come in very handy, huh?

Nyssa Rawther 🍉

Yeah, Jensen is definitely the superior actor when the show started but Jared REALLY grew into his role over the years. He's become as phenomenal an actor as Jensen and the way both of them has evolved and shown their wide range over the seasons is just breathtaking.