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I apologize for the delay in this post. Yesterday was a bit of a disaster and we ended pretty late. Everything that could go wrong, went wrong.

The first big disaster of the day happened when we realized the massive panels for our puff pants were cut out wrong. Two inches were supposed to be added to the top. We Do not have enough fabric to recut them, so we were a mess trying to figure out solutions. Eventually, we decided to just sew on a strip ofntwo extra inches at the top and just live with the extra seam it created.

For a tutorial on how to make Tori's Puff pants, click here -> https://youtu.be/ESikWaVKqgI
You can also purchase the pattern from her store.

After we solved that, I began cutting out the pieces for our panels that will go over the puff pants. When we went to sew the piping onto the velvet, the velvet bunched. We changed the tension on the machine, tried 3 different feet, tried sewing the piping to the lining instead, and nothing worked. We were ready to cry and pull our hair out when we tried our final idea: using wonder under to hold the piece together while sewing. It worked! But it meant hours and hours and hour and HOURS of me cutting out little strips of wonder under and carefully ironing the piping onto the edge of the velvet.

Our final screw up happened when I ran out of piping 2 and a half panel's into Daisy. We bought about 10 yards of piping. Our math was messed up. We needed 25 yards. We didn't have enough to do even one of the cosplay, let alone both. We were able to do the back butt panels Yaya han piping from joanns, but they only had a few yards. We had no piping for Peach and there was nothing that we could find online that would ship on time that didn't look super cheap.

Tori saved the day when she had the idea to make the piping ourselves. She had tons of thin cording and cons or gold fabric, so we began the process of cutting out 8 60 inch strips of gold fabric and sewing them into piping.

That's where we ended the day. We lost a lot of time and are pretty behind so I'm gonna hop offline now and start cutting out Peach's panels!



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