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You know someone is legit when they first remark that you're alive, and then wonder what happened O.O

I don't think Savra is gonna go fetch Africa. Just a hunch.

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"



Jessica O'Brien

Bring back the neurotic mess small cat! Sabra isn't exactly looking welcoming


And their she goes to tell the lions they are stupid for not getting the job done. I would say something about Sabra but I don't know if that language is allowed here.


Wow, this is really a…Sa-bruh moment I’m sorry


Sad Irony that when Mosi saw Bibi he was all tense and alert due to the Chui situation. Now he sees the Serval of Doom and he's thinking "Yay! The loving mom who helped us!"


Hahah that would be more than fair xD But yeah, Sabra is bonna go be a snitch Dx


I don't trust her


So glad she got what was coming to her. What a witch of a cat.


Sabra really be giving Scar a run for his money for evil cats manipulating innocent cubs and planning their deaths. I'm so glad Africa killed you, Sabra :) And ooh is it possible Mosi runs into the wild dogs next?

Melody Williamson

Its a bit weird that two characters back to back found him in that same bush. I wonder if they got told by someone he's there or something.


Wait, I thought Sabra was killed by lions on page 227?


In the present day of the comic, Sabra is dead since Africa finished her off. This is before all of that and we’re a few days in the past here. Or maybe Sabra is a spooky zombie serval.


I named my real life cat Mosi after this comic. I hope it all ends well for our little man


I must say that I'm a little surprised that Sabra gets more hate than Chui. She did something really awful and while she did have a reason to hate Africa, setting up a plot to get Mosi and Binti killed because she caused her to lose most of her own litter was cruel. But Chui is way, way higher on the Evil list for me. I'm really curious how Africa's and Mondo's relationship is going to develop. So far I've seen only once a trope like this in a comic medium (in a totally different setting, in anime/managa "Monster"). As for the page: I also wonder if Mosi is going to get lost here and maybe encounter the painted dogs cubs. For sure Sabra intends to inform the lions — that explains why they were around when Africa and Safari got back from the marshes.

Stephanie Titarenko

Sabra Sabra Sabra. Don't you know that snitches get stitches? Or in your case a full-body transformation into a lion toy. It's really quite sad to see how trusting Mosi was of her when she was the one responsible for the attack on him and his sister in the first place and fully intended to make sure the lions came back to finish him off. Poor little dear had no way of knowing. As for Sabra....that is ICE cold. Her hatred of Africa is understandable, but Africa's CUBS are innocent and had nothing to do with her losing her kittens! Getting them killed to hurt their mother is the lowest of lows and she got what she deserved.


Oh my goodness I'm honored!! ❤️❤️ Thank you so much! 😍