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And we get to the fateful day. This is the morning of the day when Africa confronts Sabra. And it looks like Mosi found out about Sabra's secret too.

Full size blank and rough files attached!

Characters and art (c) Maura "Panthera Arven" Pompili"




Poor Mondo. The Serval of Evil is damning any chance of poor Mosi to ever see him as a brother. Hope Bibi is ready to be a mom.


Called it I knew she have a some deal with the lions.


At least he found out who’s truly responsible for the lion attack.


Poor Mosi, I wonder if he's gonna get a PTSD-flashback from seeing Bes again. Now I wonder if he doesn't just think Africa doesn't care about him anymore, but he also saw that it was Mondo and got even more upset that his mother is cuddling the cub of the serval that sicced the lions on him and Binti. If he was able to recognize Mondo from that distance that is.


Gods.. Mosi. Be careful lad! This isn't good!

The Fluffy Birdcat

Screw you, Hummus Cat! I'll never buy your hummus again!

Stephanie Titarenko (edited)

Comment edits

2023-06-20 21:34:26 Love his little bout of defiance in the second panel. Very much sounds like something a kid with his temperament would say. <3
2022-11-03 07:39:10 Love his little bout of defiance in the second panel. Very much sounds like something a kid with his temperament would say. <3

Love his little bout of defiance in the second panel. Very much sounds like something a kid with his temperament would say. <3

Stephanie Titarenko

Also.....now he knows! Wonder what he will make of this? Not be happy with Sabra I'm sure, but he was happy to see his mother until he noticed Mondo with her so I really have to wonder if feeling like he had been replaced was the only factor at play in his decision there.