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Hello there, and welcome back to Ask My Characters!

This month's question was asked by... well a lot of people actually! Kind Patrons Karlos, Koco, Dawn, TheSheInShenanigans and Raptorzs were all super curious about Bibi's recent decision to help Mosi!

Our nervous gal definitely appreciates the attention haha! And it turns out that she is very compassionate and genuinely sorry for what she did <3

You're welcome to still ask questions if you'd like, my characters are always available to answer! https://www.patreon.com/posts/ask-my-october-72891363




Omg my heart. Ahh Bibi. Your the best


I love Bibi so much &lt;33


Bibi has really become one of my favorite characters. Close three-way-tie to Mondo and Mosi


I really hope that nothing bad will happen to Bibi. She is really a gentle creature. She made a mistake when she made an alliance with Chui, but she definietely is not a cruel one and wants to make up for her mistakes.