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We cover some breaking 17th century news and look at the race car driving heir to the House of Habsburg, as well as the coronation of King Charles III, for a little modern-day Hell on Earth. Then, keeping with the theme of gratuitous puff-pieces in the Times, we look at “Liz” Holmes attempt to rebrand herself as a gee-shucks everyday mom and family woman ahead of her sentencing for medical fraud. Finally, we catch up on the ever-mounting corruption in the Supreme Court, and what our elected officials will fail to do about it.

The piece about heart transplants Felix mentions in this: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/04/18/opinion/heart-transplant-donor.html

New merch, including Hell on Earth designs and re-stocked Zapata Oil hats, available for order through May 24th here: https://represent.com/store/chapo-trap-house



Evan Pitkin

Appreciated the De Niro in Copland reference. Underrated movie.


Lady Di had a racing car courtesy of MI5


Coyote vests makes protective spiked vests for dogs

Tristan Clark

Hour and a half, we eatin!

Okie From Muskogee

As a microbiology nerd and certified phlebotomist (literally for no reason), the reason most of the Theranos tests would be impossible to perform with a drop of blood from a finger prick is not a limitation of technology, but a limitation of capillary blood versus venous blood. Any poor sap working in a serology lab could have told her that.


Yo we need a Hapsburg Interview on Chapo; he seems down

Ben Zaretsky

I’m One minute in here guys - in my best will smith voice I proclaim - keep my wife’s name - aka sweet potato French fries out ya damn mouth


Matt. Culver's has waffle cut sweet potato fries on occasion. Keep your eyes peeled so you don't miss this opportunity should it reoccur.

Alexander Patterson

Sounds like Felix wants to do Altered Carbon for dogs.


Schönbrunn zoo is one of the best zoos I've ever been to


If you grow up in central Europe and you and your family are even slightly interested in history, you just know what an Orangerie is. Every other castle or palace has one.

J P 3

Henry Kissinger put $3 million into Theranos. The Waltons, DeVoses, and others put $370 million (per Ben Burgis's article in Jacobin in 2021). Rather than arguing that she's a good person who's misunderstood, a better defense would be to really lean into the charges, and put more focus on some of her less sympathetic "victims". Of course, there is no way The NY Times would run this type of PR defense.


At lest the Hapsburg is doing cool shit like racing instead of being some low T socialite

Jim McKenna

"Liz" Holmes is a grifter. I read about what she did and the things she was pitching. She never had any clear idea of how the technology she claimed as hers could ever possibly work. I'm always amazed how rich people remain rich no matter what they do, and nearly never pay for the damage they inflict on others. And then facing indictment, she gets married to a trust fund fail-son and and punches out babies so she can play the Mommy card and stay out of prison. The NYT article is not the only part of a recent Holmes media campaign. Will it work? Probably. It makes me sick.


I was not expecting the Moxy Früvous reference. I'm continually astounded by Chapo's knowledge of Canadiana.


love it when the boys talk about apes


I’m glad He’ll on Earth has bled into the regular episodes.

Zach Pierce

Ooh a Hot-psburg guy! Guess I’m going gay for that race car drivin’ prince! Wish me luck. Vroom vroom


Someone got Moxy Früous in my Chapo


so the heir to the hapsburgs is an adult man who lives with his adult sister? sus


bringing about the Egg Age with your sister/brother incest Acid Saoshyant

Josiah Blevins

A hit dog will holler is a great saying. You get to call them a dog, you’re pointing out that you hit them, and now you’re belittling their response. Southern chapo fans will have to form a splinter group, I reckon.

David Cox

She's going to jail because she presumed to the throne of his majesty and royal highness Steve (blue box maker) Jobs, the only one allowed to wear the royal black turtleneck according to neoliberal technological determinist unspoken rules within rules with oh who cares...


The dog you hit is the one to which the insult applied. If the dog isn't racist, he doesn't holler when you call him racist because he wasn't hit. He just looks at you confused by your comment.


I hope all Canadians and particularly Torontonians are suitably mortified that the Chapos know about Moxy Fruvous

Sean Marshall

Vroom vroom, party schtarter!


Wait why are we going soft on the blood fraud psycho? And did Will say, “great job Amy Cheznick”???


My mom just told me a few weeks back that my uncle, her brother in law, is going to outlive his heart transplant in the next few years. He was born with a birth defect that flipped the ventricles in his heart and about 15 years ago the Cleveland Clinic did a transplant where they managed to reconfigure the heart in a way that it fit with how the rest off the set up of his chest was set up because of that defect. He’s the most active person I’ve ever known, having gone through two pacemakers on his new heart already, the thought that he’s just going to outlive yet another heart is a testament to his spirit, but that does little to comfort my aunt or cousins. Thanks for bringing up the fact that this happens though, I know I was completely in the dark until I found out.


if you want to be really cynical you could say that the reporting on justice Thomas is a kind of brand activation for the corruption itself. You don't really have to believe that Thomas himself was influenced one way or another, but it might pay to let the next generation of legal scholars know which side pays

Jeffrey Miller

I think you're uncle and I might have been born with the same defect. From what I know, those who had the same kind of surgery to fix it are starting to have problems. I'm 39 and I'm extremely lucky I haven't had any serious problems so far, but I know the day is coming where it'll start falling apart.


Sweet Potato Fries suck ass.

Major bit me

My PhD thesis - Chapo Pessimism: The Growing Cynicism of the ‘Dirtbag Left’


Actual traditional use for "hit dogs holler"; if someone takes offense to something you say, that you, crucially, did not directly name, they are signalling that they are representative of your statement.

Jed Levin

Ferdinand’s “leg-pussy!!” 😆

Mark Brian Wilson

Moxy Früvous song with specific Canadian references, Chapo Canadian tour confirmed.


It's a cynicism rooted in sincerity. They weren't just blustering about their 2020 primary analysis, that it was our last off-ramp from apocalypse highway.


my buddy’s step-dad is the CFO of “Susan G Komen For the Cure” as well as a big bank in my state. when i first met him i was a sapling leftist and pointed out the issues i saw with charity and distribution of resources. he was clearly challenged but a nice guy for the most part and we got on alright. i also roasted him when i saw these gaudy pink SGK construction elevators downtown, an obvious waste of money. i always hope i’ll get to see him again now that i’m equipped with the knowledge that only 13% of susan g komen’s revenue gets spent on cancer research. THIRTEEN PERCENT!! anyway y’all really should do an episode on the charity/NGO-complex


I hope your luck continues, and I hope the surgery goes well if you ever have to cross that bridge, Jeffery.


Hard for me to get into the mindset of people taken in by the Holmes persona and similar figures to the tune of millions. I can only assume it's because rich investors think of themselves as something like demigods and believe they can recognize those qualities in others

Boaz Corey

Until recently I was with them on sweet potato fries. But I tried them at home, soaked some in corn starch water and deep fried they were delicious.

Kevin E

Matt went hard this ep, respect.

Calvin Smale

GOOD fucking episode

Jonathan G

can someone explain why chris can't just be 4th mic. Don't give the response you think is funny.

Poppy Chulo

I'll tell you and it's absolutely not funny, in fact it's very serious... because he's gay and retarded.

Reece Coren

i cant come into work today i girlbossed to close to the sun

Christopher E Musgrave

The fry commandments were an absolute treat. They really understand us better than we ever will. For Holmes I feel a lot of the same ambivalence as Tulsi. About the same level of opportunism and malice as the rest of their respective milieus, but at the very least they have a sliver of personal appeal. Both of them also mostly maligned for just barely not making it into the insiders' circle. My wish cast for "Liz" is that she serves as the frontman for the epic liberal Twitter alternative once the bird site finally goes too far. Not that I want such a thing to exist, but there will always be a need for someone to be the avatar of Microchips Will Save Us and God am I sick of that being Elon.

Heavenly Father69

"WHAT...YEAH I HEARD YOU WHAT?" How the fuck is Matt already 76 years old? Has he broken the code to skip middle age and go right to former hisotry professor grumpy as fuck lawn protecting old man?

Jacob Jones

Look now, the South has its problems, but we aren't a complete sign off...


Please Matt, learn spanish and make a youtube channel just to bully the shark mentality idiots that have sprung here lately and are menacing our spanish ways.


peak Chapo :)


"Little William is still alive, I mean, no matter the doctors opinion, they still cooled that baby down" ahahah I'm dying XD


"Typical bravery of a prosecutor" - Felix This is so powerfully true. Prosecutors are cowards who use police who are cowards to cover for them.


In hindsight this reminds me of the game of thrones idea that there were good people fighting to rule over everything.


Of course you're all F1 guys