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We discuss the WGA writers’ strike and the state of streaming entertainment. Then, we try to unravel the ongoing spree of vigilante and “defensive” killings across America, from the killing of Jordan Neely in the NYC subways, to the number of recent shootings of people who just rang the wrong doorbell. Finally, a look at Jeremy Boring, and the Daily Wire’s attempt to create a Conservative Disney.

New merch available for order through May 24th here: https://represent.com/store/chapo-trap-house




kobayashi vs a giant bear was incredible


Law and Order: Milwaukee please


the best part of the gray man was how they had a second climax after what you thought was the climax, only it was shorter and worse with most of the action happening off screen


Who the Fuck will purchase The Daily Wire subscriptions for children's content?

Major bit me

Rob stark in the Medici show was pretty good, I like that show cause it’s liberalism’s epic origin story of heroic bankers vs the evil dumb aristocrats. But the 3rd season does that too on the nose it’s unwatchable


In 1992 some lunatic in Lousiana shot a Japanese exchange student called Yoshihiro Hattori who knocked on the wrong door. The shooter was acquitted, too

Evan Pitkin

Imagining conservatives shaving with shitty razors and watching their own discount Disney tv shows out of spite makes me genuinely happy.


The ironic thing about the AI vs """"art"""" debate around 16 minutes onwards is that all of the Grey Man writers are striking as well.


If Daily Wire was serious about their new media empire, they’d hire you guys to write an adaptation of True Allegiance, seeing how you’re the only people who read the damn thing.


If these Daily Wire dorks actually gave a damn about movies they wouldn't be trying to be big-shot Hollywood types but rather resurrect the Roger Corman model and bankroll a whole bunch of cheap exploitation flicks made by up and coming filmmakers. Get every right-wing Tarantino fan out of film school and give them some cash to make retro thrillers for all the Yellowstone-addled Gen-Xers who want to party like it's 1989. Spend a few million per production, buy some squibs, dial down the representation to make your audience comfortable and rake in financier money.


That’s the cognitive level of their audience now, so it checks out.


"Marjorie Taylor Greene talks about we're going to have a civil war, no we're just going to create perfectly parallel consumer economies." Matt Christman perfectly sums up what much of the "culture war" is truly about.

Cyclops giraffe

I'd be more supportive of the writer strike if they ever wrote a script that had a successful strike in it.


Ben Shapiro actually did write at least one sitcom pilot...


Matt Beastmode Ep

Jessica S

Lol - the Silo. My partner had it on and after watching it awhile I said “you know what the real conspiracy is? How the fuck do all these streaming services make so many shows?!” I mean, I guess network/cable tv - appointment viewing - is self-limiting on the number of shows it can create. But still, it’s crazy how much new stuff comes out. I think I honestly prefer when you got 20 or so episodes in a season and only had to wait three months for a new catch. I’m still waiting for Severance - there’s no rhyme or reason to when these things return - gah.

Colin Underwood

That anticipatory “shut up” by Matt is perfect Chapo. This is slop. I am pleased.


There are may be many causes for these shootings, but I think one should not overlook Kyle rittenhouse. He took a gun illegally to another state to murder people, and the judge said he is a hero, if that was not fantasy fulfillment I don‘t know what would be.


America Eats Its Young

Robert Fenik

There is not bigger Kobayashi fan than me, but Matt is wrong Joey Chestnut never beating him. Chestnut is 4-2 against Kobayashi at Nathan’s including a 2008 overtime victory, considered by many to be the greatest Nathan’s Hot Dog eating championship in history.


What do y’all think about Milf Manor??


We love the slop, don’t we folks?

Dru Heff

Matt was on one for this


I need to see Infinity Sanction

Kamran Husain

the whole doorbell shotgun shit really brings me back to reading the nra magazine where every week they do a story about an old lady murking a black guy that walked on their property


Man I choose the wrong day to feel good about my divorce. Good ep but that was depressing

J Vladcliff

Artists will make art regardless of being paid.


Chapo do a main ep above 70 minutes challenge - impossible

Daniel Dermont

Gary sinise movie mindset pls


that first 25 minutes was brutal

Demented Avenger

Given nukes, climate change, Nickelback, and the MCU, the real fear is when AI thinks it can do better than humans. I'm rooting for the computers.


These murder fantasies are reinforced by mainstream media outlets like FOX and OAN that glorify people like Zimmerman and that doughface loser that shot those guys during the Floyd riots.

Mark Schneider

Also how can the morons @ the Daily Wire worship both Jeesus & Ayn Rand both!!? Ayn was aynal scum (alright, cheap pun) but some props to her for hating on Jesus so much!! Even Paul Ryan had to apologize for placing Ayn above Jesus and kiss the Xtian boot-heel, these shlubs need to get some meds for the Right wing schizophrenia they suffer. Pick a side, Ayn or Jeebus!! Full on exterminationist camps for the homeless (per Trump) Mammon or simpering whimpering turn-the-other cheek for god's sake.


Jaba the Hutt was a human in the original theatrical release.

Rohmer Simpson

The bit about “you shouldn’t be proud of riding the subway and ignoring people who are having a psychotic episode” or whatever, not sure who that’s for. When you ride MTA / NYC Transit, you ignore EVERYONE unless you’re a freak Euro tourist or an NYU freshman. This isn’t a position to be proud of, what are you talking about? Are the lads too fancy to ride the bus or the train? Very odd segment, muddled.


Lol so close yet so far - yes maybe us still happily ignoring 2k ppl getting socially murdered each week is making ppl devalue life jfc


Recent Trillbillies podcast also reflected on the low-value-of-life culture of the US building up for the last 30 ish years, some great insights

Stefan Catinella

I’d rather watch AI schlock than whatever Rings of Power is.


The main problem with all of their takes on AI is that the progress in AI is exponential, not linear. They are right, today, that AI produced media is lacking and beneath what human would produce, but in 6-12 months that output is going to be better than what 75% of professional writers can put out. 3-6 months after that, it'll be 90%. By 2025, they'll probably be someone using AI to make a Chapo style pod that will be better than the boys. Plus ChapoGPT won't show up to recordings zonked on Lean.


"The future is movies with your face superimposed over them." INVEST IN JIBJAB! JIBJAB WILL APPROACH 50% MARKET SHARE BY 2030!

Stefan Catinella

Subway crazy deserved to be chocked out


The only job in the future is going to be owning various IP


I appreciate Matt’s comments on gun violence. To me, it’s reminiscent of an event in revolutionary France called “The Great Fear”, in which the commoners became convinced the government was sending militants against them, so the peasants would band together and create patrols to protect their communities. Then while patrolling the countryside, people in neighboring towns and villages would see the patrol, would think it’s the government, and then start their own patrol. Soon there were bursts of violence between innocent civilians based on nothing but paranoia and fear all over the country


u guys should do evangelical king arthur at ur next live show kinda like daughters meatballs

Stefan Catinella

Doing nothing and allowing the woman to be harassed is the humane leftist thing to do? You people don’t care about the fucking working class trying to safely life their lives. You only care about scoring internet points with other Revolutionary LARPers.

Sam Schick

They have 2 very good takes 1 - that AI will and might already be used by companies to create substandard content because executives are are typically tasteless idiots that are only market driven and the effects of that are important. 2 - that even at its best, AI will likely make content that resembles franchise style IP which is disposable and already creates content that has little artistic merit. We continually find ourselves surrounded by disposable objects and culture and are now watching the closing of the last window into the creative soul of other humans. This can only bring forth a mass psychosis of existential dread. It’ll make all the contradictions of being a complex thinking being that operates in a low tier economic structure unbearable, the only option will be a long and violent upheaval of everything we’ve come to know…

Tony Bonacci

It's not exponential though. You just think that cause you're a fucking idiot. If you'd been paying attention to ai like tech for the last twenty years you'd know it's been a slowly advancing slog. And the ai still isn't funny. No humor by a factor of a thousand is still no humor. It's trapped by the Chinese room. It may be able to produce these characters from a manual but it does not understand them. Copywriters are fucked but the Chapo boys will be fine. It's the difference between artisanal four star chefs and chef boy r dee. The hogs will eat the slop and our society will be commodified to death but the robots will never write good TV.


Maybe I'm biased cause one of these just happened right next to my mom's place, but it seems like multi-location shooting sprees are on the rise as well

Jordan Young

I agree most AI art is atrocious. The exception I cannot help but stress is in fashion. The ai-art in this domain is truly phantasmic perfection.

Mark Schneider

Oh, you have corrected my misunderstanding!! Vigilante murders of the mentally ill or anyone who offends your boozhie entitlement ARE good social policy, yes, let's go back to the "honor code" behaviors of the decaying Spanish nobles of the 18th century or the Injun killers of the Wild West. Brilliant insight, I hope you live in a Red State where you can brandish your tiny gun or knife indiscriminately (you're obviously white, coz couldn't do so if not.)

Stefan Catinella

What do you think is going to happen in a world with a smaller police presence. Communities will police themselves. Without a system that can rehabilitate the drug users, and provide support for the mentally ill, this is the end result. I expected a nuanced take from the pod but i guess I’m an idiot for thinking that. How many innocent people needed to be pushed onto subway tracks before any solution is proposed. Sorry I side with the real victims of crime and not the criminals.

Reece Coren

i could listen to matt scream about the grey man for literally a week straight

Andrew M

jon snow was in the internals i kid you not

J. A.

She was a community College student "didnt even have hair on her prick"


Excited for the return of insane reality shows like Breaking Bonaduce, where a roided up alcoholic former child star filmed and published all the awful moments leading to his divorce. Wholesome fun for the whole family.

Sean Marshall

They had to cancel "Who Wants to Marry a Millionaire" because one of the contestants got caught killing someone and putting them in a suitcase and dumping it in the dumpster.


inventing situations, put-ting them on tv 💖


Its funny how after weeks if them making fun of AI and saying it's no big deal now they take issue with how its potentially disruptive to artists when it affects movies. Despite actual artists screaming about this for months

Sean Marshall

Climbing the Rope contest was from the movie "Soldier" with Kurt Russell.


Keep scoffing, I'm reloading. Amazing.


Silo has Tim Robbins who I swear was once on Chapo. It's by Graham Yost who did The Americans and Justified. Reminds me of that funny show "The Dome" which had Dean Norris.


Whoa they’re even killing innocent white ladies Will??? That was very weirdly put


Can we please see these writers get bolled over by actual competent ones. Most entertainment gigs are just structural based class welfare for every middle-class hipster scion who claimed that Shakespeare was overrated in their First-Year Lit. Critique/Criticism Seminar. Most of these people are just as cultural malnourished as the rest of America; the difference is that they've learned a middle-class affectation.


Love you guys, listening for years. Kinda fucking sucks tho when you call awful people "cocksuckers" or a couple episodes ago called something "gay" derogatorilly. I know nothing is meant by it but takes me out of listening.

Poppy Chulo

I say bring on the AI, in fact fuck any ethical concerns. Let's shoot for post scarcity or die trying.


God awful Movies podcast has been reviewing Christian conservative media for a long time.

Scot Forsythe

We’re living in a box folks! It’s the bird box..you cant open your eyes its too scary!

Connor Mauche

I saw kids ding dong ditching yesterday, it's the new russian roulette tiktok challenge


I can't believe Felix disrespected the 10/10 masterpiece Warcraft (2016), staring the guy from Vikings.


Unfortunately most 'gay guys' are white dudes who grew up in the 90s. So most of Chapo's gay friends talk like assholes, too. Have you heard Seeking Derangements? Most pre-Ober gay guys talk like that. I think a lot of people who were kids in the 90s talk like shitty action movie protagonists or dumbass professional athletes. Those were basically the only role models during the long 90s. Everyone talks like Nicholas Cage now and it's fucking awful.


What is the point of posting something like this.


In the vein of the ought's reality programming, does anyone remember KENNY VS SPENNY? Ahead of its time derogatory, spiteful humor where the winner is not rewarded, but the loser is HUMILIATED. It was the only reality show I have ever recommended to strangers. Some people say it was staged / faked most of the time. I honestly don't know. Real or fake it presaged a lot of our politics and definitely needs a TV mindset deconstruction from Matt and Felix.


Tell me Guillermo Del Toros Cabinet of Curiosities episode The Witch House with the talking rat and Ron Weasely saying fuck wasn't made by ai. Or that other show I keep getting promos for with the "little person" guy that says "I read your moind. Just kidding I didn't read your moind." A machine biological or electronic made that shit. It was not a human. What did Dune tell us? That human nature inexorably leads us to a kind of informational consolidation that results in annihilation of humanity either explicitly or implicitly. Except instead of knowing everything like in Dune, we'll be in a quantum retardation of all possible information and no way to organize it or know what is or what to pay attention to or what is real, happening, or has happened. Like the mathematical Tower of Babel some mathematician made that contains everything that could ever be written on one page in English.


*remunerated HAHA I’m smarter than Matt. I knew it


I work for a teachers union currently going door to door for a ballot initiative. Thank you Chapo for thoroughly reinforcing my fears that I am putting my life on the line to acquire signatures for better school funding


Honestly I think most of the inclination to say "ARTIST ARE OVER" in the wake of AI is being driven by people who worship their own intelligence, to prop up the fact that they never developed a creative skill as yet another feat of intelligence on their part. After all, to them "Why bother, AI was just going to learn art and make it pointless".



Rohmer Simpson

"advancements in technology" has always been a lot of smoke and mirrors, spectacle having less to do with improving our quality of life, and more to do with inflating the value of a corporate entity while simultaneously reducing the value of extracted labor. Like a lot of popular conceptions of history, these narratives require heroes (I guess they're what we call monads?) who magically bequeath unto the masses rich gifts like iPhones and electric cars, using nothing other than their uncanny abilities to render gadgets and doodads out of the ether. This is why I'm less inclined to fear "AI" and more inclined to be duly concerned about Silicon Valley (and etc) shitheels who cultivate deification as a means to an end, and wield "AI", or whatever the next fad is going to be, as an apparatus that will raise market capital. Don't worry about the people dabbling in AI art-making, or the developer-coder class... worry about the know-nothing bastards who have a game plan to cash out under any circumstances, regardless of whether their company goes to the stars or straight into a ditch.

Calvin Jarrett

AI made Tayne. It can’t be all bad. https://youtu.be/maAFcEU6atk


Wasn't Warcraft basically the same story and CGI as Avatar?


This show sucks now


The whole point of art is the joy in making it. Everyone instinctively knows this as a child, then for most the feeling is beaten down by capitalist society forcing us to compete with each other, making us believe we aren’t creative. This is a lie. So, turn away from “content” and make your own art, and share it in physical spaces with others. Make stupid movies with your friends. Make stupid stickers and post them everywhere. Steal supplies from your job. Make dumb comics or zines at your job and hand them out to coworkers. Force the world to witness your vision of utopia (or rant about this world’s dystopia). (The AI Simpsons and Seinfeld sketches were genius, though)


It sounds like Jordan Neely was having a psychotic episode and was reported as threatening people on the subway. It looks like he was subdued by Daniel Penny and few other men and died. Very sad help didn’t arrive that could have saved his life! The system failed Jordan Neely. I don’t really think any of this was about race though. F*cking libs! Lol also ive dealt with psychosis in the past, you can’t always just “ignore” the problem when someone’s acting out in public. You really don’t know the lengths people will go to harm themselves or others! Also not in ANY way justifying putting someone in a chokehold as the right thing to do.


Bull's Eye! The harsh reality is that most artists lived hand to mouth and very few achieved anything resembling the sort of middle-class prosperity that many of their modern contemporaries have achieved. Writers like Virgil were essentially pets of the Emperor; the yearly income of mid-tier internet smut artists is probably more than what Van Gogh made in his entire career; hell, many artists who started off well-off lost their entire fortune over the course of their career. Now, soft-shelled "artists" who are only "struggling" because they choose to live in ridiculously expensive apartments in LA/NY/San Fran/etc. are making cry-videos on Youtube talking about how they're going to have to "give up" art because a computer "might" take some of their work away.


How about you shut the fuck up faggot! And im gay so i get the pass for saying this you ignorant fuckface. Go fuck your mom. Oh look im so fucking cool for being profane.


Yesterday at the king’s coronation, after the shepherds pie eat off, Charles told me the Knicks suck and Julius Randle is a bad father.


really insightful discussion happening in the comments here!


will bring back vanderpod this shit is giving me brain damage i want some way to laugh about it at work

Rohmer Simpson

"The whole point of art is the joy in making it." I mean that's the whole thing right there. I push back against some of the AI commentary where people don't want to recognize the X factor that distinguishes between a human creating a work of art and a machine creating the same thing, or some people like to say "Aren't humans machines too?" as well as "Who's to say a machine can't feel?" and so on. And these are not dummies floating these ideas; often they're guys and gals who are much smarter than I am about their own area of expertise (or they're just smarter than me, period) but when it comes to commenting on a work of art, it's like their IQ dips by half. You don't even have to broach spirituality or philosophy (caveat: I took a mandatory philosophy course at university and I 100% ate shit, I've got a brain block with that stuff) to come to grips with the first line of your post. Let's say a machine creates a completely new painting that's in the exact style of Van Gogh. Stupid example but, you might ask, what's missing? Kind of fucking everything is missing, tbh. * I would define "joy" as containing a lot of emotions that aren't just "joy", if that makes sense. I'd say joy is a big tent, and in it you can find pain, suffering, regret, etc etc.

Horse Badorties

What's the ending sting music? I know I recognize it! Eno or Eno-adjacent?


Robbie Martin from media roots made an AI movie ,


yep, Talking Heads' 'Found A Job', off their live album. studio version produced by Eno

Nathan E Simpson

Why the fuck wouldn’t you ring a doorbell in 2023??? Am I out of the loop


ty, I recognized it and was pretty sure it was a live Heads song (either that or Adrian Belew) but couldn't get to the answer myself

Poppy Chulo

I want to take Gina Carano out, end up in a whirlwind romance, convince her I want to marry her, and then withdraw emotionally from the relationship, leaving her to constantly ask "Where are you right now?" eventually forcing her to break up with me, all within three months.

Horse Badorties

Thanks! I found a big list of Eno-produced records a few years ago, and maybe 1/4 was stuff I had on vinyl and sold in the 90s. "Penguin Cafe Orchestra" for god's sake.


Shout out to the Grey man Heads

Michael Dobson

Two years ago a friend living in England came back through America with a British friend, and stayed with me overnight in Ohio. I told the Brit they could ask me anything they wanted to about Americans. Their first question: "how can I legally murder someone here?" This is who we are, and other countries know it.


every american is a king and his house is a castle and everyone who comes upon it is a barbarian. it's accepted legal doctrine

M.R. Alchemist

I think the chapoes would actually be able to create insane movies with these AI systems You can curate the content + give it feedback and it will correct itself You'd need someone to program it for you but it's doable. Jump-looper the anime? 😆


Another win for Catholic and Orthodox countries; they don't hire dudes with god complexes as Meteorologists... they only hire tight pieces of ass to point at the cartoon clouds in the most flattering possible angle


The cheerleader who was shot was blonde but also mixed and obviously half black. So there might just be a little more than " a racial element" to all the cases you named.