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We plan out what builds we’re going with using items from King Charles’ upcoming coronation. Then, we compare and contrast visions of masculinity within the Republican party using the models presented by Donald Trump and Josh Hawley, and start forecasting what the Trump v. Biden match-up might look like. Plus, we’ve got new Epstein revelations, and an update on a classic bit of William F. Buckley lore.

New merch now available here: https://represent.com/store/chapo-trap-house 

Hell on Earth: The Original Podcast Soundtrack now available here: https://chapotraphouse.bandcamp.com/album/hell-on-earth-original-podcast-soundtrack




chapos trap house !

Michael S. Judge

I knew I put this information in the right hands


It’s a shame Charles rolled so poorly on Diplo, bad rng

Major bit me

Chomsky Honk has a new meaning


Why don't non-Irish British people have any self respect?


Matt's old hobby horse that modern spiritual belief is fundamentally cut off from some organic past is ironically the oldest form of tradition. Archaism–the fabrication of an ancient and exalted register–is basically as old as all literature. The textual evidence is that the Bible was largely codified in a purposefully archaic language. This conception of organic society–of authentic tradition–as something from which we are fundamentally cut off is just another a mythic form of preserving the sacred.


Wow, the only people who worked today sound exhausted! Thanks for skipping our very favorite national celebration that everyone takes part in to deliver the goods. I guess it's true, what they say.

Gordon Schmidt

The fact that William F Buckley was wrong about Michael Jackson and Katt Williams was dead right says a lot about society

J P 3

Nikki Haley looks like she is positioning herself as VP. Gotta say a Trump-Haley ticket would be more formidable than Trump-Pence, especially with suburban moderates. In 2016, Trump needed Pence to consolidate the evangelical voter. That is no longer the case. If we are looking at a recession in 2024, will the realignment that started taking place in 2018, 2020, and 2022 in the suburbs be sufficient to put the Dems over the top? I would feel a lot more comfortable if someone like Gretchen Whitmer, or Pritzker was at the top of the ticket, or if Whitmer was at least the VP instead of Harris.

Incog Negro

Haven't listened to the ep yet & yet I'm confident the comment is appropriate


May Day is not a holiday, it's a for fighting day, shout out to everyone who got out on the street.



Adam Foster

It would be the wrong move for Japan to turn towards China since if we’re talking countries with terrible birth rates and demographic crises hoo boy has China got that by the boatload

Gumbo Pie

"Well he's dead now, so you always have to be careful"

Henry Martyn

"Nobody was wearing a fedora when they stoned Christ" lol

chetan kadodwala

China's demographics are not dissimilar to the US, neither is making babies like India.


Gonna just pretend the Chomsky news didn't happen

Joe Bowden

Trump needs to see Shen yun


It's sugar, man


8 simple rules for trafficking my teenage daughter

Gumbo Pie

So I guess Noam Chomsky and Peter Lamborn Wilson do have a lot in common afterall.


Trump was never happier than when he got to dress up and sing on stage at the Emmys

Kamran Husain

mike judge is the goat let him and his bro talk about movies

Rohmer Simpson

Death is Just Around the Corner shoutout? That’s about one thing: respect.

Demented Avenger

Only good thing about Phantom is Lloyd Webber ripped off Pink Floyd for it.

Demented Avenger

BTW, is Mark Penn basically speaking for the Clintons? That Penn and Robby Mook are still living is proof the Clinton Death List is just BS. What jury would have convicted HRC of offing Mook back in 2017? "Your honor, he ran a campaign so bad that he put a bigoted game show host in the White House."


For my coronation build, I'm rolling with "Saint N Word's" staff. It's immensely powerful.

Jason Chapa

Humble mighty men.

J. A.

what does OG maco say when you ask him if he was on the flight logs? "BITCH YOU GUESSED IT... you was right"

Maxwell Harkness

Another thing that doesn't get talked about as much, and why DeSantis is flailing nationally, is that Florida has basically been a place where the GOP has been playing on easy mode since at least the 90s.


Anyone see those Biden tik tok kids? The dnc is trying to pay influencers to pump up Brandon lmfao


I’m using a stone mason build, call that Build Back Better


Church not cutting it. Top $$$ for phub at slc show. I expect results 🫡


"Well, I'm a mighty, mighty man, I'm young and I'm in my prime!" ~ Josh Hawley


herman cain never wore a mask.

Adrienne Suydam

I’m sure this has already been said, but is it coincidence that it’s Will & Kate and Will & Katherine?

Rohmer Simpson

To all you Chappo Trapphouse listeners who aren't already hip to MSJ's podcast DEATH IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER, you cannot make a better addition to your podcast feed. Delivering dense, bleak, funny - and if I'm not mistaken, almost entirely off-the-dome - episodes on a whole gamut of topics that are guaranteed to appeal to the Chap/TrueAnon demo. CIA parapolitics (wait, there's a parallel state that's pulling strings via crime, intimidation, and violence? where'd we get that idea in 1945?), JFK, Pynchon, Bowie, kicking junk, and every once in a while, some real hardcore guitar & audio tech talk. The Patreon page is /deathcorner but if you have like Overcast you can still listen to a ton of episodes he posted from 2018-2019. That way you can get a lil taste before signing up for the paywalled stuff. Which you should do.


Felix's tangent on getting into a secret boss fight with Benjamin Disraeli absolutely destroyed me. A+ stuff. Also seconding the motion on DEATH IS JUST AROUND THE CORNER. The "Terrorism as Public Art" series alone is worth the subscription price.

Sean Marshall

Probably more like under the Silver Lake


Used for a 1000 years? No they fucking haven't. Imagine just lying like that over these goofy ass items and anyone taking you seriously.

Rohmer Simpson

Also have to recently credit the spot-on thumbnail sketch of the plainclothes / unmarked car cops who routinely terrorize inner cities - "Or maybe you wear your badge on a chain around your neck, if you're a really big dickhead". Perfect picture of the 295-lb white guys with cornrows who treat the gutted and bled-out neighborhoods in Brooklyn and Queens like their personal playpens. Simultaneously looking like they could bench-press a Ford Focus but also that their heart could explode at any moment thanks to taking 6 meals a day at 7-Eleven or Buffalo Wild Wings.

Sean Marshall

Beginning part of the episode when everyone is talking about the older rich people dying. The Epstein part


It sounded like they were quoting or paraphrasing some article. Maybe it was hyperbole on their end. It sounded like propaganda instituted after excavating and beheading the corpse of Cromwell.


William F. Buckley, the fanciest of the fancy lads, playing defense for a fancy lad to molest other fancy lads? Color me shocked

Doug Cartel

I think we finally know what Pat Tillman was talking to Chomsky about before he was "accidentally" killed. Hmmm! HMMMM i dont know how to end this punchline

Doug Cartel

the Mighty Bosstones of Christ over here like NEEEEVER HAD TO SPANK MY WOOD BUT I KNOW SOMEONE WHO HAS

J. A.

They should have let matt go first for the fantasy gear draft

J. A.

And thats how we know pat tillman was killed in a dispute over child porn with an afghan warlord.

Bill Crotts

You had me at Buckley


You were on board before I was, they didn't get me until "lore"


The Chomsky thing really bums me out.

Bill Crotts

It's probably like the time he did an interview with hustler magazine. He had no idea what it was

Colin Underwood

Josh Hallway's target demographic is the guys in Melonie Mac's replies and twitch chat

Brian Rooney

Damn funny episode. Felix is one of a kind.

Robert Fenik

I firmly believe dislike of Biden is very soft. People may think he’s senile, unfit for the job, and not going to make it through a 2nd term, but they don’t really care. Democrats are still going to vote for the party, and republicans don’t hate Biden nearly as much as they’ve hated past dems. I think he’ll win bigger in 2024 than he did in 20.

I am become reply guy

I’ve noticed too that a lot of people who aren’t that political are highly activated by their hatred of Trump.


So obviously a Battle Mage build. Chapo is doing stolen valor for autism. Not cool.


I think the only people who really have a bone to pick with Brandon are Clinton zombies. Makes me love dark b even more

Ben Wood

Boomers don’t understand millennials politically so they’re out here trying to run vintage candidates cause they know we like old stuff.

Robert Alexander Vaughn

Josh Haley's is writing a pornographic sequel to the movie Boyhood?

J.P. McD.

Would love to be in the balcony watching Trump’s boyish smile when Jellicle Songs for Jellicle Cats hits its crescendo. He would probably lean over to me and tell me he got goosebumps. ❤️


My thoughts exactly. He did an interview with Ali G ffs.

Torgeir Tannenwald

are we ever gonna see an animation of a bunch of Jews in fedoras stoning Christ?

Rohmer Simpson

I look at people who are still for Trump like Mets fans. You’re getting dolled up for a loser, but also awww, that’s sweet. If I met someone who still carried a torch for HRC, I would have to assume that they’re at the very least a serial killer.

Horse Badorties

Was this epi the one where you trash-talked Francis Gary Powers? It turns out... his eject lever was rigged to blow him up, and his flight crew told him about it. He opened the cockpit when he could, climbed out and jumped. https://spoilsofwar.substack.com/p/secret-historical-fun-facts

Dylan Gutridge

Talking about democratic backbench: Jeff Jackson from NC appears to have quite a bit of charisma and is v. prevalent on social media. Alright tear it to shreds


the golden duck and the spoon are what you carry in your off-hand to give you extra spellpower. never going to clear extreme-difficulty epstein if you can't get this stuff down


The Disraeli staff is OP but I prefer the Hammer of Gladstone

Boaz Corey

Blood plantains haha. That is one the funniest things I've heard this week!


felix was running deep with the dark souls references, really funny.