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Got a full deck of topics today including: Steven Crowder’s ugly divorce, Biden formally announces, another Kamala rebrand attempt, RFK Jr. & Marianne, DeSantis whines more, and of course, our Boy Big Sean McElwee’s Howie Ratner run through DC politics.

Hell on Earth: The Original Podcast Soundtrack now available here: https://chapotraphouse.bandcamp.com/album/hell-on-earth-original-podcast-soundtrack

And new merch now available here: https://represent.com/store/chapo-trap-house



Kamran Husain

we’re all gonna have a nice laugh when biden dies in last 2 days of his final term and kamala has 48 hours to go cray cray

Major bit me

Biden should pick Warnock - a pro choice Christian black pastor senator from a swing state. It’s such a slam dunk choice


As they say in Rasha, Lenín.

Marsha Pimentel

Do a show in SLC!! You got listeners here


RFK Jr is achieving suicide by election victory


That’s absolutely hilarious Crowder wrecking himself from a nuss bar procedure for a sunken chest. There’s a fkn reason you’re supposed to get it when you’re a teenager and growing still. Get rekt by a titanium rod noob


Hes some kind of pathological liar. I almost wonder if he's female to male and was getting some extra top surgery.

James Barron

"There's the bat!" Hahahahah fucking hilarious

Poppy Chulo

Who still up eatin dey slop?

D Iva Facliffe

It truly would be the funniest thing so it's most likely to happen: Kamala becomes first lady pres when Joe dies in December 2024.

Calvin Bishop

Is this the first time we've gotten a reprise of a previous reading series with the Crowder article?


Top tier episode hahaha


My first take was with Matt, he put out that video to get ahead of the narrative, obviously, but also because he knows he's not going to get to know those kids as any point. They might get their only insight into their parents failed marriage from a security camera video and a YouTube video saying "it's not your fault"


Crowder running strong into his gay arc. Lets get him in touch with Dreher for this difficult time. Boy needs them oysters to recover from those metal bars to expand his throat. Up the throat game to take bigger cigars.


What are you talking about? He's clearly trying to sissify himself. He probably wanted a chest vagina.


Great ep, love the variety of topics covered.

J.P. McD.

I forgot the topic but there was that one insane scenario Matt went off on, and they let him cook because they knew something special was happening and it was so great

Alexander Patterson

Oh man I forgot about that stupid ass article that Crowder wrote about waiting for marriage. The dude has no equal when it comes to huffing his own farts. Him being a complete failure of a husband makes that article an absolute treasure.

J.P. McD.

Fully plausible that at some point Matt will riff about DeSantis holding “a little tea party” where he would describe the table in detail including dolls, Disney characters “in full tuxedos”, and “a cute little bonnet for Meatball Ron”.


That Crowder article, is that the first piece of writing to be read twice on Chapo?

J.P. McD.

Fantastic point about long covid


Steven Crowder only drives one car because the only vehicle compatible with his trad lifestyle is the 1977 Ford LTD Country Squire. Practical and Affordable.


Crowder to Hungary?

Robert Fenik

Anyone else remember the story of Crowder getting engaged and going around Fox News asking guys if they thought his fiancé was hot? It’d be a little awkward if a friend asked you that about someone they went a date with, let alone a coworker asking about his actual fiancé! Crowder may have genuinely been asking though if he was unfamiliar with being attracted to women?

Michael Dziengel

David Shor? More like Daniel Schorr am I right folks?


Chapo back up, best ep in awhile

jack flowers

i thought i was tired of hearing crowder takes but god chapo is so good when they have a good right wing weirdo to gossip about


I’m a natural (bravo) ✌🏽

Chris T

When Felix is on he’s the best


love when Chris pops in to riff! do it more boss!

Nathan E Simpson

Only a homosexual could hate and fear women with the fervor of Steven Crowder


I love y’all and the clowning but we need to do more as a block to make the Steven crowders of the world kill themselves


Highly recommend the TrueAnon Utah series

Rohmer Simpson

Crowder stuff hilarious. What a loser. But moreso I'm just glad I didn't have to listen to some fuckin gash talk about Gwyneth Paltrow's pussy and orgasms this week, yeesh. When me and the boys are hunting elks in our loincloths, the last thing we want to hear is some fuckin axe wound go on about moonrocks and whatnot and somethin.


tour de force episode


If Candace Owens knew about the abuse, then she's just as much of a POS as Crowder, because she knew the woman was being abused and decided to sit on the info until she could weaponise it to her advantage.

Zach Pierce

Those little 18 month old Crowder kids are home wrecking demons, which is NOT why Crowder wife peace’d out.

Zach Pierce

“Happy Wife, not in MY life…” Stevian J Crowdhurr IV

Rohmer Simpson

when she was searching for advice on dealing with narcissistic psychopaths, obv that was the kids. it's right there


didn't they already cover the crowder marriage article


Is this some lame bit where you pretend to be an unlikeable shithead, or are you actually just an unlikeable shithead?


DeSantis is like an NFL prospect in the draft - the more tape on him, the shittier the outlook.


New crowder dlc dropped where he threatens to beat her up for getting his groceries


Felix needs to meet the soda moms of Utah County. They will drink him under the table


Are you saying the DNC is going to Weekend at Bernie’s Biden?!🤣🤣🤣


It's very funny hearing you guys describe the people who would vote for rfk vs Marianne, because you are basically describing my dad and mom respectively.

Dru Heff

When Will said John Cheeseburger I lost it cus it was at the end and I didn’t expect. I was dying.

Doug Cartel

I remember seeing that photo of chowder holding a baby while wearing a hospital gown and wearing this grin like he just stole a keg from a party and having no idea what was going on you think Tucker just had that constipated state on as that lady called him a messiah?

John S.

maybe Steven's kids just had bad vibes.

I am become reply guy

Yea he’s smart enough to read the room. Imagine Rupert Murdoch sitting next to this bitch, glowering at the tablecloth while she’s babbling about how you’re the messiah, all after this lawsuit too lol.


Matt Christman 2024

fisher ilijasic

such a good episode, especially after last week’s slop. thank god

Alexander Fuchs

can you at least host marianne and rfk please? also i dont think the guy says that all vaccines are poison hes making a more nuanced and informed point about regulatory capture that is at least worth listening to in light of his significance as a donzinger style environmental lawyer and our experiences with the tobacco industry, epa, opioid crisis, etc. as well as further raising questions about a pharma industry that singularly stands in the way if single payer healthcare ... or maybe just riff about jfk/rfk shit idk could be worthwhile i think :)


Honestly, I feel so bad for the wife. Pathetically I almost teared up when I saw that video it must be a complete nightmare for her.


To be fair if I heard someone say “nobody knows more about earned media than Osama Bin Laden” I would walk across the room to high five them.


I felt that at first but, really, she married the schmuck, didn't she? It really couldn't have been a surprise by what his character was unless this poor woman is pitifully simple-minded. And, thankfully, she can indeed get a divorce and, I'm assuming, child support. One way or another the only for sure blameless person is the kid who's going to have to have him for a father.


Where was her family telling her to run away? It’s common for a person to marry someone abusive if they are from an abusive household not always but many such cases. Luckily she is getting out ,so hopefully if that’s the case, it can stop here.


The funny thing is he doesn't believe half the things he says so that must of been wild for him. I wouldnt of been able to keep it together. 🙃

Doug Cartel

I'd believe it, heard the same thing about bill o'Reilly etc. Not that I believe he did since they're all psychos but its plausible.


In his book he praises Hugo Chavez and FDR. He’s still anti illegal immigration in his book and climate change skeptical but he really goes mask off concerning his left leaning tendencies. The weird thing Tucker tells people exactly what he believes in podcasts and his book and even has admitted to lying on air for example in the full send podcast. I’m not trying to praise him rn by no means but I find him fascinating and enigmatic. He’s like a nesting doll of contradictions and while he’s likely primarily driven by money he seems to be acting in ways which indicate that isn’t the only thing he cares about.


I just found it amazing how much power the Kennedy name still carries in national politics.

Jude Brown

Does anyone remember this underage trans person that tried to get it out that Stephen had paid them and groomed them for sex when they were underage? It was a thread on twitter for a day and then totally disappeared


America needs a “Draft Christman” campaign, get Matt in the debates


I'm pretty sure Crowder's chest got caved in from being mushroom tatted by too many black daddy doms, thank you VERY much


The crowder abuse video is some scary shit. Could have been a good opportunity to address misogyny in the home / “the personal is political”


I mean that literally is the point of terrorism. There are a lot of things that kind of work(no I'm not saying do terrorism) that we are trained to think are bad then companies do it intentionally for their benefit but call it something else. Like when they say unions distort the labor market. Yea of course they do that's the point. Just like Amazon distorts shipping markets, or monopolies distort markets generally.


Arthur Knight? I'm Jesus Cowboy.


I’m glad Chapo is brave enough to put those Machiavellian kids in their place. Truly the spawn of evil.

Zack Burke

Ending a Chapo with 40-Water spittin' makes me feel like I'm in a coma, and my brain is running out of characters to add.


love to hear that rounders is a shitty movie after spending 30 minutes talking about deja vu

Ben Zaretsky

Post the desantis episode


Hey Rounders rocks

Ben Zaretsky

Release the Snyder cut. Also the desantis ep

Reece Coren


I am become reply guy

I will never understand how people can think the whole manosphere act comes off as anything but deeply insecure


where is guantanamo ron?


🫵🏼 watch it.


Honestly I do think Crowder blames his kids. From his perspective, his wife was totally cool with his abuse right up until the kids came along.


Kamala saw the field of milquetoast Dems doing Obama-voice was getting crowded and so decided she would instead go for a lib Trump voice without any of the snappy punchlines, just the meandering filler bits.


My brain didn’t know how to react to Kamala’s wisdom so I defaulted to coughing uncontrollably

J.P. McD.

Guys I think they and we know Rounders rocks, but we can all also acknowledge that it’s a major “dumb guy” movie and that it would be very sad if people in the 2020s were regularly quoting KGB during home poker games. Hopefully Chapo will do a 35mm screening to make up for the misunderstanding though


Throw the radio in the tub when dole says “is that the kind of leadership we need?”

Tyler Sutherland

Imagine giving grifting losers like Williamson and RFK the benefit of the doubt or saying they're "probably closer to my point of view". They're not, they're just trying to get close to a whole bunch of wallets in an election they know they can't and don't want to win lmfaooo can no one on Twitter get a grip and ignore these two clowns??


Did you ignore what they said before and after that? About how it doesn't FUCKING MATTER because Biden's locked in, the Democrats are a bust, you can't break into their ranks meaningfully, you can't change them externally, you can't change them INternally, you can't do ANYTHING. America is fucking FAILED. There's no reason to think politics will EVER bring about anything better. You have one hope and that's revolution.


It does sound like he's trying to convince himself. Since they're in diapers & can barely talk, it's a total non sequitur otherwise


RFKJ and Marianne are the two flavors of spook- old school populist propagandist and the new school AOC model. Either way, both campaigns are based on a somehow left drain the swamp overhaul of the intelligence apparatus, when both of their ideal replacements for the CIA is the normal CIA but woke I guess? Imagine if the full force of the domestic propaganda engine went into electing one of these two bozos by manufacturing the desire for the full-scale rollout of the Woke CIA rebrand, which would be a very convenient mechanism for washing some COG protocol activation (which would be necessary for the whole war with Iran thing). The only thing standing in the way of this operation is that Joe Brandon would have to die soon, so I think we're actually fine, nevermind.