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We’re joined by historian Dr. Eleanor Janega to discuss daily life among the pre-modern peasants, townspeople and nobles of Hell on Earth.

Eleanor co-hosts the We’re Not So Different podcast: https://twitter.com/wnsdpod

And is author of “The Once and Future Sex: Going Medieval on Women's Roles in Society”: https://uk.bookshop.org/p/books/the-once-and-future-sex-going-medieval-on-women-s-roles-in-society-eleanor-janega/7122562?ean=9780393867817




Loved Dr. Janega! Bring her back sometime!

Kamran Husain

did the habsburg a create the idea of torture porn?

Michael S. Judge

lol, the whole history of half my family is summarized by the 6 words "Go be a Slav somewhere else"


Really loved this guest! Great work guys!


there's a big ethnic boundary in quebec between the french who would divide land as described in thin strips with the narrow end on the river versus the english who would divide land in big abstract squares. I've always thought it made more sense the french way, you get to concentrate the infrastructure and the people a bit closer together and have the crops just vibing a bit farther away, versus having the one country house in the middle of the field 20 minute walk from anything else


Loving this ep and guest, but: Fronce.


Really loved this one. I'm not the biggest fan of medieval European history, but this was a fascinating perspective. Eleanor's really witty and engaging, too.


god the theme music absolutely slaps


Her learned accent is unreal

Rene Saller

Really enjoyed this one, too!

jack flowers

ok was that a kraftklub reference Dr. Janega made at like 32?

Gumbo Pie

Xenophobia is the root cause of Nationalism, who would have thunk it!


i like this lady

Tony Campbell

Great guest, but her accent sounds just like Andrew Tate--and that shit was mad distracting.