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Our live show from the Hell on Earth launch party at Littlefield in NYC on 1/20/23. We discuss the life of alchemist, mathematician and courtier John Dee, and look into the intersection of magic and politics in early modern Europe.

You’re going to need this image to understand this episode. The Hieroglyphic Monad. Learn it. Know it. Love it. The Monad.



Michael S. Judge

I have to UH ACTUALLY like John Dee here and say that the practice of mystical Jewish numerology isn't kabbalah – that's called "gematria," and it's a major practice WITHIN kabbalah, but there's a lot more to it. I can't exactly call myself a "kabbalist," because I'm not Jewish and don't have a circle of mystical rabbis to consult with, but I've been fascinated by it for a long time, and kabbalah is broadly a kind of cosmological system in which the nature of god and the creation of the universe becomes a coordinate structure which can map onto almost anything else – the origins and secret alchemical powers of language, literal metal-transmuting alchemy, the human body and its medical treatment, the interlocking nature of ostensibly opposed moral forces, the personalized path of study each individual requires for spiritual wisdom, etc. All of this was kept pretty secret for a long time, like centuries, and only the initiates knew anything – anybody can find the major kabbalistic text, the ZOHAR, but it's incredibly dull and kind of nonsensical without learning all the other stuff first. The best sources I know are the books by Gershom (né Gerhard) Scholem, the German philosopher and friend of Walter Benjamin, et al, who moved to what was still British Palestine at the time and broke down the major thematic material in kabbalah fora non-initiate and non-Jewish readership. ON THE KABBALAH AND ITS SYMBOLISM is both the best and most accessible of the Scholem stuff I've found. The Beautiful One Has Lost Her Eyes from Weeping. The Moon Will Shine Again with Its Own Light.

Isaac Jones

The Star Trek guy made my testicles hurt

Cameron Jones

Matt, the Tycho Nose joke was really good


No School of Night?

Jon Spiegler

The Monad as a revolutionary counterforce sounds a lot like Acephale

Boaz Corey

In the House of Doctor Dee by Peter Ackroyd is an interesting & decent novel.


It's soo fukn metal that the secret to immortality is eating piss


love these DLCs

Sean Marshall

Have to wonder how many people got tortured before they figured out the wax doll was about a different Elizabeth


Dee's nuts

Gumbo Pie

Been quietly following a personalized adaption of Christian Anarchism for a decade and when I'm a asked what I believe spiritually, I often point to the concept of the Monad (the less complex one, just the point within a cirlce), Electrons, Probability Fields and Preception creating reality. 2 days ago I was talking about the same thing to a couple friends after watching "Everything Everywhere All At Once", which essentially is this. I won't spoil, but I'll just say "Ponder That Everything Bagel People!" Edit: I just realized the Googley Eyes are quite literally the Monad in the movie. Wow.

Nick Muscatiello

There’s always one fucking dork who just wants to ramble about their pet interest during a Q&A


good shit but this the ultimate girlfriend snoozer show


I guess is having a friend who is a girl. Wild stuff, I don't know if that's permitted unless you have pemission from parents of both sides.

Doug Cartel

Come on britain, stop killing people for predictions. Haven't you read The Secret?

John Smith

Just want to point out that Kabbalah is actually significantly more complex theologically than just Gemera (the numerological practice of assigning number values to letters). Gemera was just one of its components, and imo probably the weakest part. Unfortunately it was also the component that was probably most influential, and was readily able to be exported to Christianity. Meaning that in this period of you hear esotericists talking about "Cabalah" they perhaps do simply mean Gemera, the other parts, which are mostly metaphysical speculation, didn't interest then.