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We’re joined by Celebrity Jeopardy! champion Ike Barinholtz to discuss Donald Trump’s potentially imminent arrest, the dismal state of the metaverse, the anti-vaxer quest for clean seed, and Ike’s new series with da god Mel Brooks, History of the World, Part II.

Check out, History of the World, Part II, streaming now on Hulu: https://press.hulu.com/shows/history-of-the-world-part-ii/




All three celebrity jeopardy finalists were on chapo tho


Holy fuck, why don't you have Mandy Kaling from Velma on next episode at this point. TALK POLITICS OR SHUT THE FUCK UP. WhenEVER you assholes talk about anything cultural, anything that isn't specifically to do with politics, you are objectively the worst fucking losers on the planet

David James

Saying that Blazing Saddles is the first funny movie is saying that Dr. Strangelove isn’t funny which makes Ike a moron


okay but can you think of an actor that played in both Blazing Saddles and Strangelove?


Who is slim pickens, and there is not one single comedic moment in Dr. Srangelove (I'm not being funny)

Tim O'Connor

716 episodes in and you're pissed that they don't talk politics every second of every show? That would become intolerably boring (and depressing) pretty quickly. Maybe you could save $5 a month here and go listen to another podcast that just drones on about politics for two hours a week.

Rohmer Simpson

Sorry babe I can't eat your pussy out right now, I'm busy getting mad at Felix for slagging off a bunch of movies he'll never watch

Zachary Porter

Focus on the real issues! The people need to know Felix's thoughts on counter Strike 2


Tbh post Bernie their politics had been pretty bad. You remember the awful star war prequel episodes after Super Tuesday lol? At this point they are just soft peddling people into the Democratic Party. Just my opinion but they will frame the 2024 election as a referendum on should gay and trans people be able to live. They won’t tell you to vote blue but what are you gonna do let trans people die????


Would like to hear more about Felix's Bourdain hypothesis


Praying to allah (swt) all Ramadan that his ass gets the Epstein treatment in MCC don’t even care if the same guys do it


*mattvoice* “Mrs Clinton, if you’re listening, please save us!”

Axel Herrera

Mostly what I listen to this podcast for is entertaining leftist takes on current events because everything else out there either ignores that stuff or is basic lib or right-wing. So I guess some want more actionable politics? They do that sometimes but I’m fine with them talking cultural BS since it’s inescapable, might as well laugh about it.

Axel Herrera

It’s a Mad Mad Mad Mad World was my first thought of a pre-Brooks funny movie.

Christopher Price

It's me. All those great 1930s and 40s comedies were really brisk. The Lady Eve is like 90 minutes.

John Newman

Does anyone know where to find the list of music that plays on each episode? Was really digging two of the songs on this episode.

J.P. McD.

Yea he seemed to confuse 1940s movie lengths (which are like 56 minutes) with modern mediocre superhero movie lengths

J.P. McD.

Well that guy had to say that to be an agreeable guest and to praise Brooks, his boss

Claire Casey

Ike is really the best celeb guest. He fits in so perfectly and unlike Heidecker, Oswalt, uh especially Cross he seems the most all in politics wise. I like Ike. We love Ike.

Claire Casey

Tim is obviously not as lib as the other two or Adam McKay who I forgot to mention who is also great when he appears so I just wanted to amend that I love Tim and he's definitely good in every way I just find it astonishing how even in his first appearance if they didn't acknowledge who he was he just sounds like a fucking cohost and not a guest. He rules

Nora Salzman

I went to the same high school as Ike and now I'm going down a rabbit hole remembering the skeezy teacher he mentioned partying with high schoolers...