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Matt Christman has come under government censorship. Then, Trump brings burgers to the beleaguered people of Ohio while Biden brings missiles to the beleaguered people of Ukraine. Finally, we meet another Gen-X member of the Koch family, Elizabeth Koch, who is here to bust open our Pain Holes and Perception Box.



Fish Priest

I could be misremembering, but I thought Felix doesn't drink? He sounds fucked up on something


You know what? I prefer this incredibly neurotic Koch heiress to Meghan McCain.

Jim McKenna

This made me think of the Paltrow relative who was married to the WeWork grifter. Another rich moron living a meaningless life while toadies scramble to validate anything they do.


Holy shit felix is so fucking annoying in the last 2 episodes. Just so many unfunny interjections.

Rohmer Simpson

just quick technical note: during the last 10 minutes you've got Stuart Little furiously beating off into Felix's mic

Isaac Jones

Wish Felix was paying attention. I don't mind him interjecting with his riffs or whatever, he just is stammering and stuttering his way through them more than usual it feels like. He just doesn't seem like he's really there the last couple

Lauren Cabral

12:10 Ok I got to stop you there. Derailments have bean happening all the time for years now, its just you guys are paying attention now.


Felix are you okay broh


The only Chapo who is more of a slovenly pig than us listeners

Quinn Johnson

Who’s chopping coke at the end of the episode?

Poppy Chulo

Where's my new slop?


If Felix insists on playing CS while recording the show can he at least swap his keyboard to one with silent switches

J zub

Felix is playing ARAM at 57:00

Josh Williams

Can’t stop thinking about all the bitch babies in here. Y’all are insufferable but I guess that’s our shtick as chapo listeners.


Felix said he was done because he was so frustrated then he started playing video games. Give him a break lol

Hector Jaime

Do the boys watch Succession?

Hector Jaime

I listen while driving, so Felix can play video games while podcasting as far as I’m concerned.

Heavenly Father69

jesus christ whoever is using the fleshlight at the end of the ep needs to either lube it up better or get some fucking help

Dies Irae63

You nailed it. It’s frustrating. Would be such a great show without that narcissist. Just get Chris to do felix’s part. Much better informed and better sense of timing.

Bob Sham

At around the last 3 minutes someone starts masturbating

Tim O'Connor

Everyone please lower your weapons about Felix. A week ago everyone was begging for him to do the east coast media episode. Angry mob-ass comments in here.

Chris Ryan

Gtfo with all that. Chris is great on hell on earth and he’s learning but Felix is ya boi and you know it

Dies Irae63

Americans. Always telling people shit like this. ‘Lemme tell ya…’ ‘The reality is…’ ‘And you know it…’ Its partly why your country is despised in most of the world.

bruce moment

Easily the funniest thing about the Koch heiress article is that they cite a MEDIUM ARTICLE as part of the public opposition she faces lmao. It's like citing 5 tweets