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The apocalyptic effects of years of war on the population transform central Europe into Hell on Earth.

Interactive atlas, bibliography and credits for the series can be found at: hellonearth.chapotraphouse.com



Michael Polacheck


Major bit me

Hell is other German people


10 out of 10


Wonderful episode again. Those descriptions of hardship in Simplicius Simplicissimus (which I had forgotten) were burned into my brain as the character of the war since I took a class on the HRE in college. You have brought the exhaustion and the ruin to life. It is such an achievement.

Jim McKenna

10 of 10. This series is so good. I have to admit in the heat and excitement of your descriptions I lose track of names and alliances. If I wasn't driving a semi while listening I'd make a little scorecard to look at.

John Williams

I had the same problem with the 100 years war but then I read Druon and all of the faces and names clicked as it had characterization attached. So any literary treatment of the 30 years war might help if there are recommendations.


I hope they write Gustavus back into a later episode/season he was pretty cool and i think his arc ended too early

Brent Hughes

How am I only now understanding the actual meaning of “musketeer”? Whelp, time to lord it over everyone like I always knew.

Alex Schneider

Goddamn, Chris’ description of the pillage by soldiers on that poor farming family are haunting.


The soundtrack to this has been spectacular!

Roger Peet

Simplicius, The Painted Bird, Come and See...

Roger Peet

Huh I didn't realize they'd made a movie out of the Painted Bird


Stay tuned for the Carolus XII spinoff series


This is fantastic.


I may be missing this, but where can I find a bibliography?


Where my tender brained bohemians at


Ok I now I really get why we made the 3rd amendment


I'd rather be totally effective than effectively totaled, whoa, zing!


Definitely. The Seven Years War wasn’t too long before the Constitution was written; I’m sure plenty of people in the Colonies knew exactly what foraging armies were wont to do.


Tulips were the first NFTs


I gotta finish beserk

James Aydelotte

Gotta say- Simplicissimus is amazing- thanks for the recommendation. And the horror read on this pod happens by page 27- by page 50 things are in ‘100 Days of Sodom’ and ‘Blood Meridian’ territory 😬
