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King Gustavus Adolphus brings the seemingly unstoppable power of Sweden crashing through central Germany.

Interactive atlas, bibliography and credits for the series can be found at: hellonearth.chapotraphouse.com




Inject it into my veins


Best way to start the work day


Gonna keep an IKEA jokes counter


I always thought that italian assassin story was just the guy quiet quitting.

Comrade Trash Panda

Yes! I teach history and for years have described the armies of the middle ages and pre-modern Europe as heavily armed, mobile and violent music festivals. I feel validated lol

Isaac Jones

90 minutes of Heck on Earth? Don't mind if I do!


What if a Swedish guy was Italian

Frederick Gallucci

Every time they say Brandenburg, I think Brandonburg. Let go Brandonburg!

Ahmed Razick

This podcast supports my theory that human history is to date just various degrees of grim dark.

Joshua Cool

That Protestant Victory Music rules, had me struttin like a handsome duke.

Peacock Jive

Communism is based

Gianni Romano

That whole ship thing was funny

Mitch H.

Why can't I hold all these cannons?


Buenos ding dong diddly dias, señor

Garth Hillsborough

I got goosebumps from that ending Chris you madlad!


Vale Gustavus Adolphus, Lion of the North! Damn shame he went out like that.

Bill Crotts

Chris should really be getting work as a narrator for major documentaries

Kula Palayam

I NEED the song playing at 15:10, please tell me it's somewhere online

Brent Hughes

“…the bass drop in the EDM song that is the 30 years war” 🫡

David Andrews

You guys are doing an excellent job on this series but it's probably the most confusing conflict I've heard of. I need maps, flow charts and family trees!


I could see the Finnish cavalry as a bunch of Kimi Raikkonens who refuse to talk in any circumstance except when it's to yell at supply guys for not filling up the water bottles

Jill Sanders

I love this series but you still haven't rectified when you said that people feared the end of the world in the year 1000.

Mason Coffey

"Leipzig." Sounds like "hype"-zig.

Major bit me

This ship is Sweden’s Challenger rocket


I usually listen to podcasts like they're just ambient background noise, but this requires such intense focus to comprehend, like I thought Wallenstein died already!

Ben Zaretsky

Big Chapo Muckety mucks I got a brain stormer - why not do an alternate history for the R party of Hillary had won . I keep coming back to it - would they have splintered? become friendlier? Or was this dark trash always in the offing? I’d love to hear y’all’s thoughts

Zane 🇧🇪

Thanks now I wanna play EU4

Reece Coren

never forget 9/11/1631

Luke Peristy

I want to hear Jenna Maroney say the phrase "Urban Burghers".

Kacper Komorowski

Kinda shame you didn't mention Gustavus supposedly last words before he was fatally shot. "Who are you?" "I was the king of Sweden"

A Witherspoon

There are two kinds of good chapo content: presidental primary riffing and historical mini-series. More please.


Let's Go Brandonberg!

Gumbo Pie

Listen to this series has me wanting to play Final Fantasy Tactics again.

Terrance McDonald

coincidentally, I started reading a song of ice and fire just as this series started. It’s been really interesting to read those books and listen to you guys talk about the subject matter at the same time

Tim O'Connor

I love how every musical interlude makes it sound like a Castlevania boss is about to come out.

Ian Stone

I love that they apparently found out the correct pronunciation of Leipzig about halfway through the episode

Isaac Taylor

I am loving the series. I wonder if any of you are fans of the film The Mill and the Cross. Good Dutch-Spanish drama.

Nicolay Hristozov

The music is brilliant. Please release a 30 Years War album for my listening pleasure.

Zane 🇧🇪

“The Swedish lutheran tradition of I’ve been freezing my balls off”

Thomas Mullane

This podcast has singlehandedly given me the tools I need to pass an AP Euro exam


Love these history series! Great work!

Ali Saribas

RIP to a real one, Gustavus Adolphus.


Who the fuck is Goo Stavros?

Dr. Lumpenjoker

Loved how the Dutch recaptured Shoggothenbush

Gumbo Pie

As a redux to this series, Felix should Twitch stream a play through of Final Fantasy Tactics The Lion's War. [Aka "Tactics"] The plot, the script writing, all of it is probably the best game I've ever played. And yes, it is absolutely modeled after the Thirty Years War. They don't write games like these anymore folks.

Daniel Terry

Chris if you read this: can you please either link to or release the soundtrack to this series? I’m really digging it.

Gumbo Pie

Horace Mann abopted the Prussian Education system into the US for subverting workers. Hides behind being an abolitionist, sounds like the offisaction Pete Buttigeg is doing right now.

Gumbo Pie


Sean Culottes


Doug K

Stupid Spanish Flanders is an all timer line.


These are so good. I pictured a Brad Neely illustration of the battle with Gustavus flexing across the battlefield to that music. Including his recalcitrant mercenary just pointing a blunderbuss at his head.

Ian Priest

She Gustav on my Adolphus until I Vasa


Strutting like a handsome Duke, so full of duck sausage and black ale you can barely walk.

Tyler Sutherland

RIP Gustavus, you should have been the new Holy Roman Emperor


This is why I became a member. It's great. Your individual inputs and ad libs are great.

Jim Storrie

wow, i am really enjoying this. masters of the craft.

Daniel Lawther

these are so good. trying to force my brain to concentrate fully on them, rewinding a lot. probably a healthy exercise.

Julie Baxter

Saw the Vasa when I was an Army brat as we were touring Europe in the late 60s. Its floor was painted blood red, presumably so that when blood was spilled, those on board wouldn't freak.

Andrew Jensen

Here's what The Catholic Encyclopedia article on the Thirty Years War has to say about the sack of Magdeburg, with no mention of sack or atrocities: "During this period, in which no decisive action took place, Tilly's position became critical, because, as had happened at Stralsund, a Swedish detachment under Dietrich von Falkenberg had thrown itself into Magdeburg, in September, 1630, and, supported by the citizens, refused to permit the imperial troops to enter. Magdeburg was the city which Wallenstein had so carefully avoided. Tilly determined to take it, and stormed it on 20 May, 1631. But a fire, which the Swedes are accused of starting when they saw that the city was lost, laid it in ashes, and took from Tilly the advantage he had gained."

Grant Larson

"History is written by the guys who kill everybody else who might have written it instead"




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WnAvNdVyJB0 Best Sabaton video Carlos Rise!


My main criticism is this: For a series that supposedly wants to explain the genesis of capitalism, the sudden intense focus on the swedish military campaign feels rather out of place. I guess you have to talk about war in a series about a famous war, but this segment would feel more at home in a monumental series like "Age of Napoleon", that has the depth to go into such detail, instead of a series like this, that has a more narrow scope. And if I wanted a typical pop-history series about big men of history fighting their big battles - I could find that elsewhere.

Emily P

Cavalry and calvary are very different words. Great series tho

David Cox

Hey capitalism is big men with fake mustaches ordering people about like those guys on horses, except they are steam engines.

Luke Fowlie

I was a busker in 's-Hertogenbosch for a few months in the mid oughts - my ex was from Vught (pronounced f*cked but with the high French U sound). It's s'air-toe-ghen (with a sort of back of the throat horking sound on the g)- Bosch ( like the lead on the amazon cop show, or his namesake, Hieronymus). But people just say Den Bosch for short.

Proinsias Lyne

Wow At the Battle in the Bay of Matanzas the Spanish got money trained by Vic De Mackay and his strikeen team 🐍.