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Review of the State of the Union and recent media hits from Trump, DeSantis, and Huckabee-Sanders. IRL Airborn Toxic Event. The Catturds guard the Bird Site. The Taliban become PMC.



Mark Schneider

Will's point about Ohio is dead on, those CHUDs will be happy to have higher enhanced Cancer rates & die for business; as happy as Wisconsin voters were to see their wages driven down by Scotty Walker crushing all the unions while admitting to a fake Koch caller who he did it for. Fun (in a sick kind of way) to see people fight to get their own Darwin awards.

Colin Clark

I missed the part where will said fat Midwesterners are happy to die for business


"We all just quail like veal calves and wait for the hammer" is the most spot-on read of our present moment.


turd is a awful word


Re: the Taliban, what happens when an army of triumphant jihadists win and end up stuck behind desks in a peaceful suburban nightmare is kind of the central conflict of the second Dune book.


They are all white nationalists for the most part; and will blame Marxism and socialism for the deteriorating conditions.


Fuck my ass

Alal Alal

How did Biden "win" anything with that social security trade, when he himself was a strong advocate for cutting social security even though that's unpopular?


No Felix Sy Hersh impression?

Jack Ryan

Thanks for the shoutout guys


If Matt hates the word “turd” you won’t BELIEVE how he reacts when he learns the scientific name for the American Robin

Poppy Chulo

Where's the slop? Slop is for Monday nights dammit! We love our slop don't we folks?

Michelle Hill


Bob Sham

I've always been more of a "cum/jizz" guy