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The Danes stage a daring intervention against the Habsburgs. Enter: Wallenstein & Richelieu.

Interactive atlas, bibliography and credits for the series can be found at: hellonearth.chapotraphouse.com




I find it funny the reactionaries keep talking about "black on black" crime but ignore all the white on white crime.

Doug Cartel

I like to pronounce it HUGE-o-nots because it's funny

Julie Baxter

Was just watching Jeopardy and today's Final question was in regard to what office the Electors voted on and damn, I would've won since I knew from listening to y'all that it was Holy Roman Emperor!


i’m really trying not to get on your assess about german pronunciation, especially given matt’s progeny but it’s my only nitpick so i’m sticking to it. the letter G in german is never ever an english J sound. Magdeburg is like magnetburg but not magicburg


germans when you call it "bathroom" and not "Der Pöopenfahrten"


The peasant "Es muss sein" (it must be) march is pretty darn metal.


marc corrigan ahh series


'On the 11th of France'


Is the audio quality a bit? Obviously they know how to make it not sound like absolute shit so this must be?


what idiot called them The Sopranos and not The Goomar-ists


Christman gets a pass from me on most things like this, but this one is just too great. Madjedeburg? Hasn’t the city already suffered enough Matt?

Robby Gross

I feel like you could’ve saved a lot of time and just programmed AI to read Wikipedia pages in your voices. This is terrible.


yeah but wikipedia isnt a socialist

John Mitchell

I can't help but think that the reason that the Dutch seemed so attractive (to raid and conquor) by the Spanish was because of their nascent capitalist structures creating disproportional wealth as early adopters. In a way this move to continue, in a do or die campaign belied the fact that the Spansih Hapsburgs already saw the writing on the wall and were trying to stem the tide.

John Mitchell

"exothermally as the Little Ice Age" ???? seriously? I really hope that you take this time of recovery to use Matt's incredible nuance to flourish his literary talents and move into the book genre (at least for now). Please?!!!!