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Will talks to journalist Jefferson Morley about the impending release of a number of government documents pertaining to Lee Harvey Oswald and the JFK assassination, including, for the first time, definitive descriptions of the relationship between Oswald and the CIA. Then, Matt and Felix join for a look at Trump’s new collectable NFT line, and a piece from the Federalist asking: is Santa too fat for our children?

Visit Jefferson’s substack at: https://jfkfacts.substack.com/




Without a Paddle was one of my favorite movies when I was a kid :)


Can't wait for the Chapo Avatar 2 episode!


I'm sorry, but I couldn't give a flying fuck about the Kennedys. Talk about a family that is just the absolute personification of the worst kinds of abusive power and privilege. Only in America could a group of such utterly mediocre people attain this level of exalted success. As far as I'm concerned, chickens coming home to roust never made me sad; it's always made me glad.

Chris Ryan

He wanted to end the Cold War. That’s the main reason that people care about this. Because it continued unabated after they killed him, to this day.


A big part of why people care isn't that "the Kennedys were good"; it's that if the state or whatever shady power is able to kill the president as part of their goals, and completely get away with it, it puts every part of our system of government in a very different light. It's the most dramatic example of "voting doesn't matter," basically, along with "our democracy is a sham." There are many other examples, but none so... ahem, explosive.


Read Rethinking Camelot by Chomsky. He wanted no such thing. There was no bigger anti-Communist than JFK.


I can appreciate that and I take your point, but unfortunately, I don't think that's the only reason people care. I also think a huge part of the Left still somehow thinks that if only JFK had not been assassinated, the country/world would have gone in a fundamentally different direction, and I think that's just a fantasy. If you look at what the Kennedy administration actually did, say, in Cuba, Vietnam, Brazil, and places like that, there's a total continuity with the imperialism of subsequent administrations. I think people also care about this because they think that he was "the good kind of liberal" who is somehow a friend to the Left, and that's what I would argue against.


Is this an intervention?


I really struggle to understand why anyone would really care about the circumstances surrounding JFK. Be it some dude or some intra bourgeois intrigue, knowing doesn't really do anything in practice. Guy was a loser president dude, good riddance.


All I'm saying is Santa could put in a little effort


That baked Alaska freestyle is the hardest I’ve laughed in a long time


Trump's 45,000 NFTs sold out at $99 a pop in 12 hours, acc to Forbes. Not sure if this is Trump and his own people buying these so fast to increase interest and scarcity...

Will N

All that can be true and they still killed him for wanting to make moves against the intelligence community and their supporters at that time. People care because that's crazy as fuck


Well, you are definitely correct that the suggestion that some element of the deep state apparatus could kill a figure as high-profile as the president is "crazy as fuck." What I am saying is that, on the Left, we don't really have a dog in this fight. Because the idea that someone like JFK, who initiated Operation Mongoose against Cuba, who began the attack on south Vietnam in 1962, and who had people like Allen Dulles and Arthur Schlesinger as part of his inner circle was somehow "moving against the intelligence community" is just laughably ridiculous. Kennedy was an imperialist Cold Warrior to the end, and the fewer of them we have on planet earth, the better for all of us.

Kamran Husain

holy shit did y’all look up what tristian justice looks like?


It also could just be NFT traders trying to make a buck


What was that rap song? Couldn’t find it online? It’s by based Alaska?


Have you guys seen the piece on recently elected along Island Republican George Santos in the NYT? Holy shit this thing has reading series written all over it.

G. Gordon Litty

Read Parenti: JFK and the Gangster Nature of the State. Oh look, I can site works from prominent leftists academics to argue my point too.


Lol. Okay, man. Good on you for that. First of all, what you're citing here is a talk rather than a book, so "read" is not really accurate. But forgetting that, as far as I know, though, Parenti's point is basically the same one made by Lizabet above in her response to me--in other words, it's not that JFK was some force for good, but that it's disturbing that such a powerful figure is still so vulnerable and that the elements running the American state could possibly have killed him. And I said in my response to her that she DOES have a point but that I don't think that's the only reason people care about this case and, furthermore, I think the other reasons are mistaken. Do we even disagree about this?

Poppy Chulo

He did more than cite a book, he elaborated on his position. You've offered nothing.


did liz mean 15-16 finals? cuz like lil b said , fuck kd

Harry Appleyard

https://www.liveauctioneers.com/news/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/butch-5-1.jpg Uhhh just found this pic of Will