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Our good friends Liz and Brace of TrueAnon stop by to help us send off The Year of the Smile. We discuss their mini-series on Synanon, a substance rehabilitation program turned violent cult, and how it relates to all sorts of American phenomenon: from 1950’s acid tests to the modern Troubled Teen Industry. We also discuss the state of our collapsing tech/media infrastructure, the Epstein case, and why the government should begin issuing quests to citizens.

Check out TrueAnon’s excellent miniseries The Game starting here: https://soundcloud.com/trueanonpod/the-game-part-1-dopefiend

and the rest on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/TrueAnonPod

Tickets for the Hell on Earth launch show/party @ Littlefield in NYC 1/20/23 here: https://littlefieldnyc.com/event/?wfea_eb_id=479703214227




I have an idea for a show. It's called "If It Was Me?" The concept is you find people that think they could have handled various tragedies or world events, or professions better than the people that were there. This includes full re-enactments of the events, period actors and costumes. 9/11 Hijacking, the Lincoln Assassination, surviving a prison camp, playing in a professional football game. fighting a fire, the options are endless. The comedy would stem from people not being able to handle the situations as well as they might expect and the participant and the audience would learn more about these events and gain some greater insight and perspective so they wouldn't immediately think about themselves in the situation and instead perhaps develop empathy for the situation of the people who deal/dealt with it. Is this anything or am I nuts?

Ian H

I guess the two problems I see are 1. The contestant has foreknowledge of the event that the participants didn't and 2. The contestant knows it's a reenactment and they can't be hurt, so they could just like, stand on the left side of Lincoln's box and start swinging at the first guy they saw after "sockdologizing old man-trap" with no fear of getting shot. To fix the first, I guess you could take major liberties with events, like it's 9/11 but by Aum Shinrikyo and all the hijackers are Japanese women or something. As for the second issue, I guess you'd have to have enough funding to film every episode before any aired, and then use squibs/stunts/makeup etc. to convince all the contestants that they're in some sort of Battle Royale or Squid Game scenario with real violence.

Jerimiah Sanders

Twitter sucks. Probably the most pathetic platform now.

Drew McGill

No shoutout for the MN show? Guess I won’t go 😆

Jon Lyons

Liz youre great but please see a doctor about all the sheet metal stuck in your larynx


Damn this episode is crazy good for me as I'm starting to grapple with my addiction at the moment and having been to a couple NA meetings I find the abstinence dogma kinda retarded (for me) but felix's thing about finding meaning really resonates. Thanks chapo and TA. Good ep, for me personally

Tom Sullivan

Uh idk what to tell you Matt but I’m still a leg guy. See a nice pair of gams? Ah woooooooga


What about 'Is it pee?' And we have a team of German scientists decide if it's squirt or pee


I wish they had bullied Brace more

Hector Jaime

Bummed that you didn’t mention Pinterest in this episode.

Jessica S

The d-amphetamine (generic Adderall) and Adderall shortage is about the DEA controlling how much should be in circulation, so they love to say “Well, if there’s a shortage it’s b/c doctor’s prescribe too much” but there’s no way to know that since the DEA arbitrarily decides how much of the formulation is allowed each year. This happened several years back and it’s the same shit. It’s pretty fucked up that a law enforcement entity gets to make medical decisions. I’ve never understood why it was thought that kids would outgrow ADHD. It’s still a pervasive misunderstanding today. If a kid “outgrows” it, that would indicate a development delay that one catches up to. So if it’s not a delay, then of course adults are going to have ADHD. As far as medication being essential, I can say without a doubt that if schools could provide instruction that allowed for many different modes of engagement, you’d see a huge drop in the need to even assessment kids for disability in the first place. If the goal is to show mastery of a certain standard, surely it doesn’t matter if, say in reading class, the response to reading is given verbally - recorded or presented to the teacher - or by filling out the standard worksheet. To some kids, handwriting while composing responses is very difficult and often this causes behavioral disruption. Does that kid have a disability? It’s probably dysgraphia, it often occurs with ADHD, autism and learning disorders, and you could probably justify special support if it is disrupting the class and their own learning. OR, they could record their answers verbally. Or they could have another student scribe for them. Or use speech to text. And then they’re learning strategies for later in life when they have a job and maybe they still can get by without medication or even a diagnosis. Basically, helping to change a person’s circumstances goes a hell of a lot farther than trying to change a person to fit a single environment. But there’s no patent to put on that, no new drug to charge outrageous prices for - if you can’t hack it, then something has to be wrong with you.


That outro music slaps.

Stephen Baynham

Something not mentioned in the shortage discussion: each manufacturer is given a percent of the total quota and cannot make more than their share. Early in 2022, a manufacturer had a labor dispute resulting in a work stoppage and they will not be able to complete their quota for the year. The correct thing to do in this situation is to reallocate their quota to other manufacturers, but the Biden administration did not want to do so because it would give pharmaceutical workers too much power. As a result the manufactured quantity for 2022 will be somewhat lower than the quota.


Totally agree, but ADHD also presents in different ways, the hyperactive type is most disruptive to others, but there’s also inattentive type, where kids can sit still and keep quiet but can’t pay attention and mostly end up suffering socially (this tends to be how girls present and might be why many more boys are diagnosed). I think schools should absolutely do more to accommodate that neurodiversity and show kids what to do with their particular brains, but with the state of American education being what it is I’m not optimistic.


Always interesting to hear Felix and Brace talk about adderall/amphetamines. Like there’s definitely an ideal middle ground between having so little motivation (ie available dopamine) that you’re on the couch/playing video games 24/7 and so much that you’re disassembling hinges. For me I’m on the couch without adderall but I’m glad Felix has his quests and doesn’t need it.


my friend, the drug you are seeking is Concerta