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Matt and Danny invite Noah Kulwin of Blowback to explore the question: what if Richard Nixon, not John F. Kennedy, won the 1960 presidential election?



Ryan Gullage

Robert Coover gives better Christman.


I really enjoyed this one, well done! I can't wait for Noah to return.

Robby Gross

Eisenhower paving over black neighborhoods with the interstates was as much ‘race warfare’ as anything else


My understanding is that there is no evidence that JFK authorized the assassination of Ngô Đình Diệm

Steve D

The closing discussion with Noah and Matt going back and forth was very good. Basically everything in the final 8 minutes.


Intro is 45 seconds too long. JFC.


Another day, another hinge point.

Dino Zaccagna

I'm late but Noah is great in this one.


We love Noah, don't we folks?

Heather Kim

This was a great episode, cheers!

Philip P Deveney

I would love for y'all to do an episode on if Robert Moses never came to power in NYC. Like what city planning would look like if he had never been there to derail public transit?

Robert Calcagno

Dead serious, but I wouldn’t be surprised if someone like Walt Disney would gain influence with his EPCOT project becoming more of a national project.


Foamer Hinge Point: the Unions buy Conrail in 1984