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We start off with some Law & Order: SVU talk that flows into a discussion of crime paranoia that cost the Democrats the house in suburban Long Island. Then, America’s epidemic of loneliness and corrupt hustlers trying to scam people into unnecessary for-profit hospice care. Grim! So we lighten up the back half of the ep with some more listener questions.




Pringles are trash.

Jennifer Reft

Re crime: agree that the much of media coverage is driven a lot by the lack of political vision, i.e. both parties say the same thing. And it's true that to have the strongest effect on crime it a massive upheaval of society would be required. But it's not true that nothing could be done by politicians NOW. Specifically, authorities (especially local) could focus on making housing (and transportation) free or as cheap as possible. I swear to you if a city spend the vast majority of its resources focused on HOUSING all its inhabitants you would see a drop in crime.

colin muller

dear chapo, i just discovered the us's space force website (https://www.spaceforce.mil) and i want to encourage you to visit. It's hilarious it's like a fucking geocities page, and you can see the cool space uniforms and everything don't miss out

Riley Bloomer-Ludwig

Great episode. I would send in another call but the last time you guys played somebody else's call and attributed it to me !


I want some recommendations for funny SVU episodes

Michael Landreth

“Identity”—Season 6, episode 12. A twins episode with a twist Felix doesn’t mention. Here, two twins are implicated in a murder, a teen boy and teen girl. Don’t want to spoil too much, but the big reveal is that one of the twins has been re-sexed at birth by a doctor for the apparent purpose of studying nature vs. nurture in two genetically identical human specimens. Oh, and the twins develop their own grammatically coherent, perfectly conjugated private language, which Dr. Wong suggests is a surprisingly common phenomenon among twins. All of that is pretty hilarious if you think about it for more than 30 seconds. Great episode.


another great episode, damn


national service lets goooo

Michael Coutts

That last discussion about college/education perfectly explains the difference between Carl Sagan and Neil DeGrasse Tyson.


Maybe try not getting drunk on the first date.


Chapo go on @inthechipswithbarry


"Maybe try not getting drunk on the first date." Lmao listen to this nerd. What kinda fun you must be on a fucking date.

Adam Hurst

It was fun hearing Matt advocate for basically the exact same kind of national service program I've thought about for years at the end there

Michael Janes

I agree 100% on the take about STEM weirdos needing to read and engage with the arts more. But by the same token I am always disappointed when I see people who are just completely incurious about anything science or math-y.