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Beloved guest David J. Roth returns to the pod to break down some of our Turkeys of the Year with Kanye West and Elon Musk reaching new lows of embarrassing and goofy behavior. Then, we celebrate the impending return of a TRUE visionary with a profile exploring the alpha mindset of Mr. James Cameron.

Find more David Roth over at https://defector.com/




The James Cameron thing is fuckin lame and you fawning over one rich asshole over another rich asshole because one made an overrated movie you like is gross and you sound like bitches

Chantz Kouveras

I am never more patriotic than when the British "people" enter the equation


if they ever want a fourth mic again and he'd be down, they really should consider Roth. genuinely their best guest and is in tune with the chapo mindset

C. Ries

Like, this Roth guy is like, y’know, like— super like cringe and gay. Like.


The titles always add a lot more to my enjoyment of the episodes then they probably should. I've been laughing to myself about "Scran report: turkey barm" for days


Roth is a national treasure and a brilliant writer. I’m sorry he stammers. He’s like 50 or some shit, though, so I doubt it’s some kind of affect.

J.P. McD.

Peter Chung the creator of Aeon Flux was once invited to the Kanye hangar to discuss a project. In another world we’d have Kanye Presidential run cartoon commercials with groypers in the style of Aeon Flux.

C. Ries

Aeon Flux is too horny for them, they’re all asexual Catholic psychos

J.P. McD.

This is such lame 2020 twitter “I’m lefter than you are” twaddle

C. Ries

That’s not what a stammer is are you really going to use the Brandon excuse


behaviour befitting of an evil elementary school english teacher in a coming of age movie. you will find another place to lecture people about proper syntax and vocabulary


Bosses who know everything about every step in a process can be good… They can also be horrible micromanagers. From the sound of it, Cameron is the latter


whoever told you about adding pea juice to a sandwich is pulling your leg. Have never heard of this in all my life. That's not to say we don't like disgusting food in the UK but not this.

bruce moment

One rich asshole is actually capable of administrating and producing Anything of material or cultural value, while the other one is actively dismantling a website I like using. Fuck off


Roth is so fucking good. I know he has his own gig, but man I'd love him as regular. He really vibes with the gang.

Mark Schneider

Looked up pics of Rebecca Grossman and her elf-like (no surprise he's in plastic surgery) hubby, then pics of the guy she was racing 80 mph to fuck . . . I get it!! A soulless blonde, not really even that attractive but thinks she's all that due to the big bucks, glad she's plastering herself all over the media to whip up the schadenfreude in plebs like Me!


If you care about sports, listen to him on the defector podcast, he's really good.

Camille Shultz

You know what child-killer Rebecca Grossman didn’t have? Empathy and a driver


I know exactly when this was recorded and I don't like it