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Coming Jan 11th from Chapo Trap House:
HELL ON EARTH: The Thirty Years War & The Violent Birth of Capitalism

In this special preview mini-sode, Matt and Chris discuss their new history podcast series, coming soon exclusively on patreon.com/chapotraphouse.




Would love to see a bibliography/work cited for this. Would be a fun reading list (for me)

J Fitz

Recently read CV Wedgwood's book. Could not be more into this.


Love this! The History episodes are great. A Deep Episode on religious movements/leaders would be great(like the Mormon episode or the taiping episode.) like maybe Calvin, mazdak, lollards.

Steven Hedley

Sounds like some Warhammer shit. Can’t wait

Lydia Maria Child

Serious question: any way to get past mini-series from Stitcher to Patreon? I wanted to do the Hell of Presidents, but didn't want to subscribe to Stitcher, much less give one more tech platform my credit card info. If it was available here, I'd pay for it. Or maybe make it available in the merch store or something? Just a thought.


Can you have suggested reading please? Like just an intro book to the 30 years war would be helpful for anyone who hasn’t yet read anything on the topic (me).


For a little appetizer, see The Last Valley


We're going to post a full reading list for this before it launches, in the next month or so.

Ian H

So good. Omar Sharif, German-accent Caine, Florinda Bolkan all kill it.

Matthew Black

Going to have to inform my paymasters in the comminform that Matt has become a Weberian


Hell of Presidents was fucking awesome so I am glad you are doing more


Sweet. Grey wolf from Bohemia is hyped !


This rocks. Can we also get a bibliography for hell of presidents…and some inebriated past episodes?? 😃🥹